Chapter 1399 The Proud Little Glutton 3 ” (1/2)
At the same time outside the Demon City, a black figure had just arrived outside the main gates to the settlement when the defending soldiers noticed this unexpected guest.
“Hold! Identity yourself!”
“I heard the Demon City is recruiting demonkins, I’m here to join at the news.” Hoarse in his voice, the black robed stranger answers without delay.
This causes a series of looks between the defenders. Even so, this wasn’t nearly enough to warrant free passage into the city.
Cocking up a brow warily, one of the more outspoken soldier steps forward: “Before you enter the city, we must confirm you are who you say. Stay there while we conduct the examination.”
Unlike other places, the Demon City are indeed willing to shelter demons that are weak and helpless, but that doesn’t mean they would just let in any random individual who decides to stroll onto their premise.
Slightly displeased in his voice now, the black figure promptly inquires for more details: “How long will the review take? You can’t expect me to stand around without limit right?”
“That depends entirely on you. First revert back to your true form and let us have a look to confirm your background.” The demon guard states, his voice getting all unfriendly due to the retort.
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The demand wasn’t unreasonable so the stranger didn’t offer any resistance. Taking a step back, he becomes enveloped in a globe of black light before taking on a form of a huge black bird that resembled more of a dinosaur than an actual feathered bird.
“You are a Terraraptor Crow?!” The exclaiming demon soldier gawks, his eyes popping out.