Chapter 956 Undergarment Baby 1 ” (1/2)

Chapter 956 “Undergarment Baby (1)”

Musing in silence for a moment, Bai Yan eventually takes back the jade piece from the elder before turning her attention over to the pink piglet. “Elder, I was only able to find the Wing Clan because of Piggy’s direction. He said he can feel his kinsmen here, do you know whether or not that’s true?”

“My queen, please call me Fei Yi (Flying Wing) instead, I don’t deserve such respect.” Forming a smile on his young-looking face for being able to state his name, the elder then eyes the winged pig with curiosity.

As a frightened baby that still hasn’t recovered from the experience, Piggy’s first reaction was to give the other side a hard glare before curling back into Mo Li Shang’s arm, his face all aggrieved and sad.

“Queen,” the elder frowns, “with all due respect, I can’t see how this little pig is related to our Wing Clan in any way. However…. I don’t believe he is related to the Pig Clan either because of those little wings on its back.”

“Oink~” The little guy makes a whine before suddenly jumping out of the teen’s arm again. Without so much as another word, Piggy makes a rush for the inner parts of the tribe.

Stunned by this, Mo Li Shang makes a hard chase as he cried out: “Piggy, where are you going?!”

But no response came from those words, instead, that little body was like lightning as it zoomed through the pathways for the central parts.

“Queen, this…” Fei Yi makes a doubtful look on his face.

“Let’s go, we can follow him and see what he intends to do. Perhaps we can get a proper answer this way.” Bai Yan states after musing over her options.

With Dragony’s hand firmly secured, the girls also began to chase as well and eventually managed to catch up to the little pig that’s already standing at the base of a small mountain.