Chapter 654 - Uninvited Guests (II) (1/2)
Chapter 654: Uninvited Guests (II)
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
The group exploded into a coht? What are their bastards doing in the Munn Kingdoh trouble on their hands?”
“Sir Overlord, this is ridiculous! Those bastards dare to coroup was agitated, where even Lize and her Clerics sulked and appeared furious
Although the Country of Light and Munn Kingdom didn’t have a close relationshi+p, it had worsened over the years and the Northerners in the Munn Kingdoht The ultio
In suht border troops ‘Glory of Light’ entered the territory of the Munn Kingdom, the Myriad Flowers Plain, in the na place and the vagrants responded quickly by asking them to leave However, not only did they not leave, but they also launched attacks on the place This incident shook the entire Munn Kingdom What made theated the Country of Light’s parliae and justified that they were defending therants who attacked therants of the consequences but were neglected and the vagrants retaliated instead Not only that, but the Country of Light parlia facts about a cri to smear their reputation and troops In the end, the Country of Light did engage in hearings and trials, but the savage executioners expressed that it was all a ‘do judght’s parliao off scot-free!
Thereafter, this caused a codoht in the name of military exercises The trade associations and ht in the Munn Kingdoht forcefully closed the distribution trade routes frodom, that hen the conflict between the North and South beca the Myriad Flowers Plain conde barbaric and tyrannical Besides, it wasn’t the first tidom borders Many residents of the North had often been harassed by them However, the situation wasn’t that serious back then, so the residents sed their anger On the contrary, the Southern representatives ere close with the Country of Light’s parliaht Not only did they believe that Country of Light did no wrong, but they also felt that the Northerners were being unreasonable and sht’s reputation The entire incident was a erously without thinking everything through, which led to the ‘forced protection’ of the Country of Light troops If they could caledy wouldn’t have happened Besides, many of the Southerners used the chance to criticize the Northerners of being crude and weak and they believed that the Northerners deserved it
Back then, the Southern overlord raised up this incident on the royal banquet and called on the Northerners to reflect on theircontinuous mistakes In the end, the Northern Army couldn’t take it any a bunch of incompetent swines
But it was a pity that the ruler back then wasn’t Lydia Even though the former ruler was also furious about the entire situation, she had never taken actual actions, which led to a non-conclusive end On the contrary, the Country of Light used the infordo the blame onto others With conclusive evidence, ht Parliado while they were the victims! Some even proclaimed that the entire incident was a scam The people were dom, in order to shi+ft the attention of the residents anddictatorshi+p
This left burning wrath in the hearts of doht, and the South Thereafter, every newborn child in the North grew up listening to this story fro, and tyrannical the Country of Light was This hatred passed on for generations and this hy sothe Reforht was just as terrible as each other to theloated over the situation and even helped outsiders to deal with their own people They deserved to die!
It was due to this reason that even though the Southerners were unfortunate and pained due to various reasons, no one pitied them
Just like karma and how the Reforht it upon themselves, so they didn’t deserve sympathy
Apart from Old Walker who had experienced this incident, the others were still young However, this didn’t falter their hatred toward the Country of Light It wasn’t as sih the Country of Light had held back with their activities in the Munn Kingdoant behavior was still present Moreover, the disagreeht were huge People of the Munn Kingdoon and believed that the Creator Dragon Souls created this continent But on the contrary, the people of Country of Light believed that they built their current nation through with hardshi+ps and the Creator Dragon Souls were just using this reason to enslave them It was due to this that both parties hated each other The people of the Country of Light thought that the people of the Munn Kingdom were a bunch of slaves orshi+ped a dictator while the people of Munn Kingdoht as a bunch of traitors who betrayed the Creator Dragon Souls
After Lydia took over the throne, her iron-willed self finally broke the pressure that the Country of Light had been applying on the Munn Kingdoon was nouarantee the development of the situation
It was due to this that everyone exploded into a commotion when they heard this news They were instantly reo Now, the Country of Light arain and captured their codom?
The Half-Demons were stunned Based on their experience, perhaps others would instantly be at their wits’ end when they heard such news No ht’s forces were still doht The other overlords were mostly dissatisfied, but they didn’t dare to speak about it After all, they didn’t have an Archangel as their backing Even in the Munn Kingdoainst the Country of Light
However, Rhode’s Starlight was an exception Rhode’s group had been pushi+ng the Country of Light and Reformist Party away as they developed Rhode had no respect for the Country of Light at all and his subordinates naturally had the same attitude Therefore, not only were they not afraid, but they also gritted their teeth and expressed their hatred in eli the sluts Sol had never faced such a situation before Although he had roa the Half-De as the Country of Light was mentioned Sol never expected such reactions from the others
“What should we do, Boss? Just a word froht theo wherever you want us to!”
“That’s right! We haven’t had enough froed to kill that bunch of idiots!”