Part 19 (1/2)

Olivia saw ht the infection: she feebly pronounced, 'I alad to see you, Mr Trevor!' and with the hue of death on her countenance, snatched her handkerchief, turned aside, and uttered two or three hysteric sobs

Andrews,Jack, was present, and burst into a loud laugh! It was a medicine that immediately recovered both of us

The blood hurried back, flushed the cheeks of Olivia, and dyed thee fool!' said she

'You came upon me so suddenly, Mr Trevor! and I never can see an old friend, after long absence, without these sensations'

'Long absence!' replied Andrews 'Why I thought it was only three or four months since the affair of the , that you were just now telling me about?' 'Pshaw!' exclaimed Hector, 'if you pester your pate with her crotchets, you will have enough to do Coin to cry cupboard Beside I want to be off'

While this dialogue passed I recovered sufficient courage to salute Olivia; but affection and aere sokiss of love expired in cold blooded constraint and reserve We then sat down to the tea table, I on one side of Olivia Hector on the other, with his right leg on a vacant chair, his left thrown on Olivia's lap, and Andrews extended sprawling his whole length on a sopha The two youths began a conversation in their own style, while I endeavoured to entertain Olivia with my remarks on London I related my principal adventures, expectations, and disappointments, and she appeared to be deeply interested by the narrative The questions she put, her tone of voice, her countenance, all expressed her feelings; and several tih was smothered and with difficulty passed away in a forced heree of their pointers, and so warmly contested whose were the best, that I doubt if they knew the subject of our discourse It was a fleeting but happy hour!

Hector still drove his phaeton, and breakfast being over it aiting at the door, attended by two grooo, brother,' said Olivia, 'if you drive' 'He drive?'

replied Andrews 'Never believe it! No, no Miss Mowbray, I will be your Jehu I heel you along, over velvet, every yard s' 'No Jack,' interrupted Hector, 'that won't do Trevor is no co that I want to hear Sister and he will auze cap, and she will teach hiether on the hunters, and I'll gallop you the last mile into Woodstock for your sum: or, look you, the loser pay the expences of the day'

To this proposal, seasoned with oaths three at least to a sentence, Andrews continued obstinately averse As Hector did not drive he would Nor did he pay any more respect to the opinion of Olivia, who remarked that he was booted and I was not 'So enteel' 'Nay but really,' added Olivia, 'I shall not think myself more safe with you, Mr Andrews, than with my brother'

Mr Andreas deaf; he rudely seized her by the wrists, hauled her across the rooo he would take her in his arers ached to catch him by the collar; but I could not like hi Olivia

Resistance must either have been violent, or in vain Olivia submitted, and I dared not oppose We mounted, and Andrews drove, for the first three an to play tricks; took a high quarter and a low one, where he could find them, to shew his dexterity; whipped and fretted the horses, increased their rate, and at last put theallop

As soon as I perceived what he was doing, I rode full speed after him, and in an authoritative tone called to hied to slacken his pace before he could understand what I said When he had heard me repeat my injunction, which I did with no little vehemence, he looked athis whip to lash the horses forith fresh fury Olivia caught him by the arm, and I immediately called with a voice of thunder, 'By G----, Sir, if you either injure or terrify the lady, I will pull you head long from your seat!'

He made no answer, and the contempt his countenance had exhibited the moment before sunk into sheepishness I immediately rode forward to the head of the horses, kept a moderate pace, would not suffer him to pass me, unless he meant to stake the horse I rode with the pole, and continued thus for more than a mile, till I was convinced that he had no ering Olivia

I rode the rest of the ith the heart burn of anxiety, fearful I had angered Olivia, but not knowing how e Andrews to tehty proper behaviour to a gentleman! But he should see hoas all to end!' He vented other h in too low a key distinctly to reach h to produce their effect on Olivia

We arrived at Woodstock, and I dismounted and stood ready to receive Olivia Andrews followed the example, but she called to her brother and noticed neither of us He received her as she alighted, and I perceiving her serious look said, 'I hope, Miss Mowbray, I have not offended you?' Shecra Andreas then on our left, at some distance, and I turned to the same side She saw me and called, 'Mr Trevor!' She said no more, but her look was too impressive to be misinterpreted Hard fate! it could not be obeyed I pretended indeed to walk away, but the moment she entered the door of the inn I hastened back to Andrews and said, 'If you think yourself insulted, Sir, you have only to inform me of it: I am at your service'

His ansas--He did not knohat I could lance, he followed the grooms, and I went to seek Olivia

I approached with trepidation 'I perceive, Madam,' said I, 'my conduct is not approved' She fixed her eye uponto Mr Andrews?' I was silent 'And a duel?' added she, with increasing severity led with terror I hastily interrupted her

'No, Madaht duels'--'Mr Andrews has the ave her relief, she spoke in a tone that petrified 'Surely, Mada you fro, perhaps none; he would not endanger hie in my own case both what it is, and when it deserves notice Men have little respect for women, when they are so ready to suppose a wo her own protector'--'Is it then a crime, Miss Mowbray, to tremble for your safety? or to teach manners to a brute?'--'Yes: at least, it is weakness to tremble without cause

You must act as you please, in whatever relates to yourself, but it is inexpressibly cri occasion, to take or to throay life If this be teaching, we have too many teachers in the world, who have never themselves been to school I am personally concerned, and you have asked my opinion; otherwise, Mr

Trevor, I should have been cautious of giving it'

The energy hich this reproof, though severe, was begun denoted what self-flattery ht well have construed into affection; for it proved the interest the lovely chider took in the rectitude of my conduct But the kindness of it seemed to be all killed, in the formality and coldness of the conclusion I stood speechless She perceived the effect she had produced, and in a soft and relenting tone added--'I do not seek to wound your feelings, Mr Trevor Oh no!

Would I could'--The angel checked herself, but soon with returning enthusiasm continued--'Ideas at this instant rush upon ain she paused--'You saved my life--but'--The tears started in her eyes, her voice faltered, she could not proceed She had rung to inquire for a dressing room, the damned maid entered, Olivia followed, and I remained in speechless stupefaction, with the dreadful _but_ reverberating in my ear

Andrews and Hector cahts, he would have rejoiced at such aeance He talked to Mowbray, but took no notice of what had passed They ordered dinner, and asked if I would stroll with them to Blenheim house? I excused myself and away they went