Part 7 (1/2)

There was only one who could make such a sound as that--Mr


Now Danny can run very fast along his private little paths, but he knew that Mr Blacksnake could run faster ”If ht Danny as he started to run as fast as ever he could ”I must reach that fallen old hollow fence post”

He was almost out of breath when he reached the post and scurried into the open end He knew by the sound of the rustling that Mr

Blacksnake was right at his heels Now the old post was hollow its whole length, but halfway there was an old knothole just big enough for Danny to squeeze through Mr Blacksnake didn't know anything about that hole, and because it was dark inside the old post, he didn't see Danny pop through it Danny ran back along the top of the log and was just in time to see the tip of Mr

Blacksnake's tail disappear inside Then what do you think Danny did? Why, he followed Mr Blacksnake right into the old post, but in doing it he didn't make the least little bit of noise

Mr Blacksnake kept right on through the old post and out the other end, for he was sure that that was the way Danny had gone

He kept right on along the little path Now Danny knew that he wouldn't go very far before he found out that he had been fooled, and of course he would coet his breath and then ran back along the path to where another little path branched off For just a minute he paused

”If Mr Blacksnake follows me, he will be sure to think that of course I have taken this other little path,” thought Danny, ”so I won't do it”

Then he ran harder than ever, until he came to a place where two little paths branched off, one to the right and one to the left

He took the latter and scampered on, sure that by this time Mr

Blacksnake would be so badly fooled that he would give up the chase And Danny was right

”_Brains are better far than speed As wise reed,_”

said Danny, as he trotted on his way for the grass seed he liked so well ”I felt it inday I wonder what next”


What Happened Next to Danny Meadow Mouse

Danny is so used to narrow escapes that he doesn't waste any ti about them He didn't this time ”He who tries to look tays at once is pretty sure to see nothing,” says Danny, and he knew that if he thought too s that had already happened, he couldn't keep a sharp watch for the things thathis private little path to the edge of a great patch of grass so short that he couldn't hide under it He had to cross this, and all the way he would be in plain sight of anyone who happened to be near Very cautiously he peeped out and looked this way and looked that way, not forgetting to look up in the sky He could see no one anywhere

Drawing a long breath, Danny started across the open place as fast as his short legs could take hi in a tree so so still that he looked like a part of the tree itself That is why Danny hadn't seen him But Redtail saw Danny the instant he started across the open place, for Redtail's eyes are very keen, and he can see a great distance With a satisfied chuckle, he spread his broad wings and started after Danny

Just about halfway to the safety of the long grass on the other side, Danny gave a hurried look behind hiht into his mouth, for there was Redtail with his cruel claws already set to seize hiht that surely this tiive up without trying to escape Three ju He didn't knohat it was, but if there was a hole in it he htened squeak, Danny dived into the opening just in time_]

One jump! Would he be able to reach it? Two juhtened squeak, Danny dived into the opening just in time And what do you think he was in? Why, an old tomato can Farmer Brown's boy had once used to carry bait in when he went fishi+ng at the S Pool He had dropped it there on his way hoe and disappointreat claws He had been sure, very sure, of Danny Meadow Mouse this tiet hold of it It just rolled away froave up and flew back to the tree from which he had first seen Danny