Chapter 134 - Selene (1/2)

Grani popped his head out at the beach shore where their boat was, letting everyone out.

Sigyn then went up to Grani,- ”Since I've saved your life, we've been connected as I'm sure you know, I can feel you like I can feel the plants around me, I think I can use this power to shrink you... Are you okay with me shrinking you so you can follow along?”

Grani quickly nodded his head- ”Yes Mistress, I wish to stay with you, protect you as you have protected me.”

Sigyn smiled,- ”You're a good boy, I'm going to start now, try and help if you can, maybe you'll be able to do it on your own in the future.,” she said lifting her hands with a green glow that resonated with the green-scaled monster.

Selene no stranger to the arcane arts watched on as Sigyn seemed to wield life magic itself to shrink him. Generally impressed by the feat, she was certainly gifted and had vast potential should she practice more.

A shrunken Grani soon hoped into Sigyn waiting arms who squealed,- ”Look Theo, I did it, isn't he the cutest now.”

Theoric unsure how to feel about Grani just shook his head and sighed,- ”Alright let's get on the boat.”

Sigyn petting Grani brought him over to the other girls,- ”Say hello to the new Grani, I may just keep him like this, even his scales feel better at this size so much smoother and nice, come on try it.”

Grani enjoying the attention, stiffened when he heard he may be kept at this size but quickly got over it when the other girls began petting him.

Setting sail to Crete they gathered around the table to discuss things after Theoric took care of Nina. Confirming she no longer needed a blindfold while warning her to be careful and that later he'll set up some training for her to try and control it.

Theoric stared at Selene who already had the crew out on deck doing the job of sailing, waiting for her to begin.

Selene staring back gave a grin- ”Where to begin, let's just say, that I don't come from this world, like you, I was banished here along with eight others, but unlike the others, I was framed, and upon arrival they attacked me. It didn't take long for them to discover that they wouldn't be able to take me, so they fled and decided to come with a new plan. Since then they have been working behind the scenes of this world, building their power and influence while avoiding me. I have also tried to build an army and influence, but they were keeping tabs on me and made sure to kill any attempts, making sure I stayed weak.

And so here I am, Athens was the last place I managed to track one of them, but they always flee staying just out of reach, so I searched for his minions in the city to try and find where he would be next so I could head him off and hopefully catch up, but they were all warned and went into hiding, and as I was trying to figure out what to do next. That's when I learned about you and this crew and decided I needed powerful allies, ones not associated with the Olympians which is rare to come by.”

Theoric crossed his arms leaning back- ”Explain what you are, what you did to them, and why I shouldn't consider you an enemy.”

Selene rolled her eyes- ”I was just getting to that, humans that have dealt with our kind call us vampires...”