Chapter 131 - Happenings (1/2)

General Kor of the technologically advanced Deviants was in his classic pink armored attire and sunglasses that rested on his pointed ears, sitting in his underground office, playing with his black facial hair as he mulled over the progress reports when he got a call.

Seeing the name he let out a breath as he leaned back in his chair rubbing his bald head knowing it wasn't likely to be anything good as he answered it half-heartedly,- ”This is Kro.”

”How goes it?” asked a man's voice.

Kro- ”Everything is on schedule, the portal will be completed on time with the weakening of their armies and the distracted Olympians, they won't know what hit them.”

”Don't underestimate the Olympians, they have powers even above me let alone some measly little Deviant.”

Kro clenched his fist but remained silent.

”But this isn't why I called, we know she's there, presumably looking for you, so I suggest you keep your guard up if you haven't already noticed.”

Kro frowned- ”I've had reports of missing spies, but I was unaware of why, although I had my suspicions... Tell me what you would like done.”

”Everything is going smoothly everywhere else, Egypt is practically ours already, all you have to do is not screw up, don't send out anyone who knows anything otherwise she will come for you, it would be best just to ignore her and take the losses, don't let anything prevent you from completing your objective, under no circ.u.mstance are you to engage her, do you understand?”

Kro- ”I understand.”

”Remember the key to victory lies in those experiments and the blood we provided, I hope your scientist is doing it justice.”

Kro- ”He has been improving his craft in these last few days and will be more than ready when the time comes.”

”Good, for as long as she's there you're on your own, we can't risk coming into contact.”

”Understood,” Kro said hearing the man hang up.

Shortly thereafter he received another call, making him sigh,- ”General Kro speaking.”

A deep frog-like voice came out from the other side,- ”How goes preparations to invade the surface?”

Kro- ”All is going as planned, shouldn't be long now sir.”

”Good, Ghaur priesthood has been a thorn in my side for too long, but with a win against our hated rivals and a foothold above I'll be able to easily reign him in.”

Kro- ”Don't worry sir, this will be a great victory for our people, no need to feel anxious.”