Chapter 94 - Docks (1/2)

Taras greets the General while he's at the monitor with Zakka, going over the latest reports.

Taras who was responsible for the genetic experiments and testing, provided his thoughts- ”General, it turns out that the group with the possible eternal has more than one powerful individual, I have collected great data despite the failure, with this my research will speed up exponentially, I request you leave them to me for now so I can continue being provided with valuable data.”

Taras seeing the General thinking on what he said gave another input to ease what worries he may have- ”May I add that this is a perfect time as well, because they'll be heading out to sea away from prying eyes, so no one will expect anything amiss.”

General Kro- ”You may proceed, but I will remind you that the clock is ticking.”

Taras bowed- ”Yes my lord.” he said paying his respects before leaving.


Theoric and the gang made it to the docks with no further problem, but now they didn't have the soldier who was going to vouch for them so they can have a ship to use.

Walking around the docks, they avoided other soldiers while checking out the fisherman and boats.

The fish smell was apparent as many were still going about there regular days of packing and unloading the catch of the day.

Sigyn especially liked the sea, having never seen anything like it before, Asgard only had a small body of water that was endlessly flowing off the edge in a magical loop.

The sea was something else entirely, the massive body of water that went on as far as the eye could see. After learning this was the first time Sigyn saw it, Anna began to explain the differences between the sea's saltwater vs. freshwater. Sigyn was intrigued by Its salty content, finding it strange how fish could live in something like that.

Theoric grinned seeing her head to the beach to play around with Anna and Io close behind to keep an eye on her after learning about her airhead ways. Io slapping the dirty water out of her hand when she tried to drink it a short time later with her complaining about how she just wanted to see how salty it was.

He then headed to a bar knowing it was the best place to find either a crew he could hire or information on one.

It was packed with plenty of sailors and soldiers alike, drinking heavily and conversing loudly. An argument was happening between some of the soldiers and fishermen about how they are infringing on their rights to come and go from dock freely. About how they're impacting their businesses, while the soldiers maintain it's for their own good, only for a small scuffle to break out that was quickly resolved.

Theoric headed to the bar finding an open stool, ordering a drink while looking around to see if he could spot anyone of note that could be of use to him. He didn't go unnoticed by the men, still standing out from those around him, thanks to his gear and height.

When the barkeep with a mustache came back with his drink, he asked how things are around here.

”Everyone's on edge with war looming over their shoulders, but for the most part people are still getting by as usual, for now... What about you mister, Where exactly do you come from?”

Theoric- ”From around... (he said taking a sip)... Hey can you tell me where I can find the best ship to hire around here?” He asked, dodging the barkeep's question.

The barkeep picks up a glass to clean while thinking- ”Well the best around here, in my opinion, would have to be Numerius, but he's still out to sea, he should be back in a week at most if you wish to wait on him.”

Theoric- ”I'm looking to leave as soon as possible, know of anyone available who's still around?”

A rough-looking old-time sailor with a scraggly grey beard, intruded into their conversation after hearing enough- ”Numerius is a pompous a.s.s, just because he struck it lucky last year and upgraded his ship doesn't mean shit, if you're looking for the best I'm your man 'burp'” said the man after belching while scratching his big belly.