Chapter 260 (2/2)
Li Muyang tried to hold back his smile “Teacher Gu, this story is known by everyone”
In ancient ti His died when he was young and he rass He liked to paint froe, but he didn’t even own a brush One day, he walked pass the door of a school building and saw the county ht in unconsciously, told the county istrate that he awfully wanted to learn to paint and asked if he could lend him a brush?
The lared at him “Pah!” Spat in his face and scolded: “Poor child, you want to borrow a brush, and also want to learn to paint? In your drea was a child with ambition, he said that he does not believe as poor children not allowed to learn to paint Fro, every day he practiced hard When he went up the ather firewood, he snapped of a branch and practi
ced drawing birds on the sandy lands When he went to the riverbank to cut grass, he dipped grassroots into the water and drew fish on a rock by the shore In the evening, when he returned ho the day on the walls of a cave with a piece of coal, one after another Without a brush, he was still able to learn to draw
Years after years, Ma Liang never stopped painting The four walls of his cave were painted over and over, everywhere were drawings Of course, he had also ireatly, the birds he painted could almost chirp, the fish he painted could almost swim One tie and eagles were constantly circling above the village Once, he painted a black wolf at the back of the raze at the back of the mountains
Later, as Ma Liang’s reputation grew, his naistrate, and he ordered people to seize his h into the sky, riding the wind All of his paintings can be brought to life The loser youngster finally became a winner in life, praised by the world
When Li Muyang was a child, every time his body ached and he couldn’t sleep, mother Luo Qi and father Li Yan would take turns to look after hi him stories, until his body temperature dropped and he slowly fell asleep——Back then, his parents had told him this story countless of times
Li Muyang, just like other children, always asked the question at the end of the story: Where did Ma Liang go in the end?
His parents would mumble to each other, unable to directly answer the question They only said that he went to a place far far away, to draw for those that need his help
“I reallysaid in his mind
However, it was only a fairy tale, a legend It was not a real story
Teacher Gu had asked hi?
“Have you ever thought that Ma Liang did not obtain the white bearded grandfather’s ic brush, but because he drea, break the real stone and turning it to gold?”
Li Muyang’s face was filled with astonishend”
“Who told you that it was a legend?”
“Everyone says so”
Gu Huangwu sneered: “The ignorant people of the world Ma Liang is aperson that can roam the starry sky The world will only focus on how he drearandfather, but not hi birds on the sandy lands or his assiduous drawing pratice of sketching fish using grassroots——Years of painstaking practice and breaking the realht, is there many of such talented people?”
“Li Qiubei and Du Ruofu both entered the way through poetry, when they produced a good poehout the world, a extraordinary scene was evoked, leaving a lingering sensory effect——They are in fact the sah was different”
Li Muyang stood duh he could not believe Teacher Gu’s words and find it difficult to believe that theand eventually beco person of Starry Sky——
But, for soht that what he said makes sense
Adding to this, Li Qiubei and Du Ruofu really entered the way through poetry, break the realh to the ninth heaven overnight, beca person of Starry Sky that the world look up to
There was a real precedent!
“Your painting already possesses trueonly as very satisfied with Li Muyang’s performance “Today, I will teach you the , break the real person of the starry sky like Ma Liang, Li Qiubei and Du Ruofu——”