Chapter 20 (1/1)

Happy Holiday~

Chapter 20 Snake Monster

The nextanxious I woke up, and in front of ot to sayand heads out to the village Today I'ather infore to the village since yesterday

However, I see an adventurer carrying a snake-like before and has not been dismantled I'm curious, so I'll follow thes with a phar the snake Apparently, the snake monster is a type of medicine This could become money, so I want to catch one To be used as ht alive I've heard that the snake is i called medicinal water I try to learn the characteristic of the snake and look it up in the book The trap book ht tell me how to catch a snake

I leave the pharmacy and find a plaza that can be used by adventurers I immediately found one, but it was packed with adventurers Like I thought, let's just go to the forest


On the same tree as yesterday, I open the book First, I decided to check the type of snake Unfortunately, the snake inforh I only just want to know if it has poison or not However, when I looked at the snakes that can be used as a medicine, all of them are written as poisonous The snake this time most likely be poisonous, I have to be careful Next, check the trap book

”Good, there is”

It looks like a trap for snakes is not co that I need, but it won't be a problem, because the dump is near However, it may be a proble I then search around the dump to look for the materials I found a new blue potion that did not exist yesterday I need ardless of the color

Next, I picked up the necessary materials It was lucky that I was able to find torn cloth and rope in the broken basket I search and picked up other necessary and useful stuff When I placed the materials at the base of the tree, I tied the broken basket and torn cloth together with a string It ritten that it was iap and no gap was forap it needs for the snake to escape Scared that it s to fill the gap At the entrance, tie a broken iron cup with a string to ht, the trap to capture the snake is complete It is a very simple trap where you feed a snake in a basket and when the snake enters, tie the bag and lock the snake inside It's troubleso the trap…… but I'll do my best It was difficult for me to process the entrance hole so that the snakes wouldn't be able to get out by only reading the book1 Let's learn it little by little I also prepare a trap to hunt wild rats I' the rats as a bait, I'm not sure if I can do it, but I have to try! It's for money, so let's do our best!

For now, let's feed Sora who is looking at the s How does he know that there are potions inside the s? He shouldn't have known that I had picked it……

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