Chapter 4 (2/2)

What worries me is the Fortune Teller

She came to see me every teeks, but I haven't seen her for about ahappen?

There was no one in the Fortune Teller's house

I'm worried about what happened

I hear a voice, whispering in the back

When I listen carefully, I can slightly hear what they're talking about

The contents of the conversation rasped

…I leave and run away to the forest (……その場から走って森へと逃げた。)

The Fortune Teller died

I heard that she had a cold

If there is a potion that the village chief has, she can be cured

But…the village chief refused to treat her with the potions

The cause seems to be me

The Fortune Teller who help e

I didn't know that

Because ofplace

I don't feel like doing anything

Although I was sad, there was no tear for some reason

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