43 You said that way too casually (1/2)

”Finally you two logged in!” Ken exclaimed. ”What held you up?”

”I had a meeting with the Vice CEO of Free Corp; the woman in charge of the game. Princess was there to ensure my safety.” Jericho casually replied. ”But it is a good thing you are here so we can practice figuring out what is needed for the dancing.”

Ken looked shocked. ”You said that way too casually. Do you know her in real life then?”

Jericho chuckled. ”I sold her a violin once and played her some of my music. That is how the two of us got the game. Ironically, it was music she came to talk to me about again.” Jericho focused on his fake satyr morph. ”I can only keep this up for a short time. Princess, show me what you need.”

”Wow, that is so cool!” Princess smiled. ”Alright, follow my movements.” She started to slowly dance.

Jericho did his best not to fall over as he copied them. Before they could get very far, Jericho's body returned to normal. ”Sorry.” He panted. ”I'm out of stamina and MP again.”

Ken watched. ”Um… you just need to make sure it will work with someone who has backwards knees right?” He asked.

Princess sighed. ”I'm hoping to take advantage of their whole body type. But making sure the dance is doable with backwards knees is on the list.”

Ken sighed. ”Let me help you with that instead.” He assumed his 'monster' form. (I can only use this for three hour a day. But I am much more stable on my feet than Jericho.)

”Alright, brother, you take a rest. I'll let Ken and Lux help me out with the dancing.”

”Are you sure?” Jericho confirmed.

”Yep. I know you worked hard to be able to help out but it is more productive this way.” The girl replied.

{Sorry, Jericho. I didn't mean to waste your hard work.} Ken said apologetically in what Lux kindly referred to as whoosh speak.

Jericho smiled. {Don't stress it. My hard work paid off in other ways.}

He took a breath. {That's good. You still have a song to finish writing, yeah?}

{Yeah.} Jericho replied as he split himself into four. ”We are off!” Three of the four Jerichos said as they walked away. The remaining Jericho smiled. ”When you are ready for the music let me know. I can at least play the main portion while the other three of me work out the details of the piece.”

The girl smiled. ”Now you can make four of you? That is awesome!” She turned to the standing animals Ken and Lux. ”Alright follow along.” She started stepping and moving in fancy ways. ”Alright now for this move you have to crouch down. Put your hands on the ground and kick out with both legs like this.” She ended in a backwards pushup position.

The lynxes copied her movements. (Ouch!) Ken roared as he scraped up his knees. Lux who had hesitated remained crouched.

Princess took a hissing breath in through her teeth thinking that her friend's scrape looked painful. ”Are you alright?”

Ken rolled over. (I'll be fine. In game wounds heal quickly. Though it looks like unless I can straighten my legs perfectly, I'll scrape my knees every time with that move.)

Moira nodded. ”Then what about trying it this direction?” She did a similar move but face forward.

Ken and Lux copied the movement without too much difficulty.

”Alright, now copy these moves with me.” She instructed as she lifted herself to one sided, clacked her shoes together, returned to the push up position, and mirrored the movement.

They copied. (I am guessing this is supposed to make a clacking sound with their hooves?)

”That is the intent.” She replied.

Ken gave a nod. (Well, as long as they have some balance, they should be able to pull of these moves. But seeing you go into that pushup position didn't really look too cool.)

The girl nodded. ”I know. But the satyrs should be able to make it look cooler.” Princess smiled and turned to her brother's clone.

He smiled back. ”Is it time to face the music?” He teased as he pulled out the fiddle.

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The other three Jericho were practicing the composition and singing the lyrics he had made previously to see if things fit together.

Jericho 1 sighed. ”This would be much better if we included the guitar. The strumming of two guitars shouldn't be that much of a problem to add and harmonize. But the satyrs don't have them and I only have the one.”

Jericho 2 laughed. ”I agree. Well, even though we are all thinking the same thing at least we can have fun talking to ourselves in a non-crazy manner.”

Jericho 3 shook his head. ”The fact that we are this bored to pretend we are all separate people talking out loud… I think it kind of is crazy considering we don't actually have to talk.”

The first Jericho nodded. ”You know, wanting to add the guitar is a good thing, we just need to confirm it with the satyr leader, Carn. I am confident since they have fiddles that making a guitar or three won't be terribly difficult for them. However finding a way to teach it is the other challenge. That is something that should be brought up with him.” He left the other two clones so he could go find the old goat.

”Carn,” he called out once he found him.

”Baa, Jericho what can I do for you?” The old goat inquired.

Jericho sighed. ”I would like to add an instrument that you currently aren't using to the ritual. However I do not know if that would be considered a problem or not.”

The old goat baa-laughed in response. ”You and that elf are the champions sent by our god. If he has given you the inspiration to expand our cultural knowledge then so be it. Might I inquire as to what instrument you are referring to?”

Jericho pulled out the instrument. ”This is called a guitar.”

”It seems similar to our fiddle.” The old goat observed.

Jericho nodded. ”It looks similar but it is played differently. Instead of using a bow, you use this.” He pulled out a plectrum. ”That is, unless you have got really good fingers for it.”

The old goat swished his long tail and tilted his head. ”Oh? Can you show me?”

Jericho started strumming the guitar. ”This is the most common way to play, using the pick to strum multiple strings at the same time.” Jericho started plucking notes individually. ”You can also play it like this. Of course there are always inventive ways to play a guitar but those are the more commonly accepted methods.”