14 The logic of Glaw (2/2)
”We finally found you! Well, I did!” Adler voiced from the shadows. ”I didn't know there were so many crazy people in this starting area.”
Princess frowned. ”So are you just going to keep talking while remaining unseen, strange woman?” She made a few motions like she was sending a message to someone.
”Tell me, Jericho. How did you obtain the ability to make two of yourself? How do you make things happen with music? Answer or I will kill Princess in front of you.”
Princess's frown turned into a scowl. ”How dare you threaten my brother!” She mumbled angrily. ”You are probably just afraid to show yourself because you are too ugly and jealous that a fantastic man like my brother is out of your league.” The 12 year old viciously spat despite being wrong, the one being threatened was her.
The bard was mildly shocked at his sister's tongue. She was normally a very sweet child and he almost never saw her lose her temper like this. Thinking back though, the last time was also because someone was badmouthing him.
{Jericho. I can deal with the mortal. Let me be the one in control of our merge for a bit.} Glaw stated.
The bard nodded, closed his eyes, and relinquished control.
[Glaw cannot maintain the stability of your human body. You will take 1 point of damage every 3 seconds while he is in control. Health regeneration is currently disabled.]
”Fine, I'll tell you. But first come out where we can see you.” Glaw spoke using Jericho's mouth.
The woman laughed. ”You think I am dumb? First your sister tries to viciously bait me out and then you are suddenly co-operative? The good cop bad cop act is so last millennium.”
The young girl turned to her brother. ”Don't tell her.”
Glaw half smiled; ”worry not, little dancer.”
Princess fell silent in thought since her brother never called her that. ”Alright.” She replied after she realized what was going on.
Glaw looked up. ”First, in order for someone like you to obtain the ability split you must swallow the core of an elemental. However, weak elementals don't possess the ability to split. So you must choose the correct type of core. If you swallow the wrong type of core, you will only harm yourself.”
”How do I know you aren't trying to trick me?” Adler questioned.
Glaw smiled bigger. ”You don't. However I have no guarantee you won't target my sister again either.”
{Hey, Glaw, what would happen if she swallowed an elemental core?} Jericho inquired.
{Her body would become filled with the core's element and cause her to die. She wouldn't become an elemental since the core is merely the compression of the water elemental's power. The core you swallowed was unique and without the Gemini lilies your human form would have vanished completely.}
”I get it.” Adler replied. ”So what about the second question; how does your music affect things?”
Glaw laughed with Jericho's voice. ”It is so simple. All I do when I play music is create a resonance. I create a series of vibrations that reverberate through everything and then everything that is already vibrating responds back. Just like how we are talking right now. My words are reaching you and you are reacting to my words.”
Princess smiled and sent a whisper over to her brother and the elemental possessing his body currently. [Elemental friend, brother, Shiarra and my friend Ken are here watching from a slight distance. They said to delay time and keep trying to draw her out.]
Glaw smiled at Princess to acknowledge they got the message.
{Nice way to over complicate things, Glaw.} Jericho laughed at the pseudo-scientific answer the elemental gave.
{There is no point in keeping it simple when dealing with an enemy. The more they over-complicate the process the more difficult it becomes.}
{You have a point. Now how do we draw her out?}
Adler interrupted the conversation behind her back she didn't know was happening. ”Then how do you feel these vibrations? How do you produce these vibrations?”
The elemental scoffed. ”You are a living thing and you don't know this much? Are you really alive? You are already feeling these vibrations. You see that tree over there? If you touch it you will feel the vibrations it gives off and the tree will feel the vibrations you give off. If you don't believe me do it and concentrate on what you feel.”
{Ouch Glaw, even I didn't know that much.} Jericho replied.
{My apologies, the goal is to draw her out, is it not? I believe you call what I am referring to the sense of touch but it is basically the same thing with all the senses.}
Jericho laughed. {You are telling me you used all those fancy words to insult her about not knowing how to feel something by touching it?}
”Hmph.” Adler replied.
Jericho's health dropped to 8hp.
”Now that I have answered your questions, may we go?” Glaw inquired. {I'm giving you back your body, I don't want to harm your flesh, further.}
Jericho returned to controlling his own body again. {That was weird having you control my human body.}
[Glaw is no longer attempting to control your human form. Human form has stabilized. Health regeneration has resumed.]
Adler frowned. ”Both of you join our guild and then there will be no conflict between… Ack!” the woman shouted. Her hiding ability canceled as she stumbled out from a nearby boulder.
Moira receive a message from Ken. [Finally found her.]
Shiarra charged the stumbling rogue and slew her. She sent a message to Jericho's fan club. [The hidden rogue is down! Mission accomplished guys!]