11 Possibility (1/2)

Time: ~ 9 PM

Location: Outside the Women's Communal Bath, Village Pinnacle


The time system here was quite different compared to Earth.

This was because quartz wasn't the material used as the denomination for the single metric unit, the 'second' like it was on Earth. Rather, It was another material even more common and precise, Rykan, being re-named after the inventor of a contraption similar to the 'clock' on Earth.

Rykan was a material that vibrated exactly once every half a 'second'. This meant the clocks built with Rykan were larger than the ones on Earth, to have a higher accuracy when reading it. Rykan also proposed the idea of making the denomination every two vibrations, but the idea was immediately shot down by those from the 'higher place' as, for them, it was a much more accurate measurement. They didn't give much reason or choice to Rykan when globally declaring the new and far more accurate system for recording time.

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Rykan, the inventor, was also the creator of the other larger time denominations. With his results from measuring how long it took, estimated, for the planet to revolve around the sun, which he knew the planet did according to the ancient scripts left by the only human who escaped the confines of the world safely, was almost exactly 60 million cells (the metric unit for time, length: half a second).

(1 cel = 0.5 seconds, 100 cells = 50 seconds)

With that information, he made the denomination minute: 100 cells (ten seconds less than the minute for earth's metric system)

An hour: 100 minutes (1.3 hours for earth's metric system)

A day: 20 hours (23 hours for earth's metric system)

A week: 6 days (5 days, 18 hours for Earth's metric system)

A month: 5 weeks (34.3 days according to Earth's metric system)

A year: 10 months (17 days less than Earths metric system for the year)

This system of time has been in place throughout the globe for a few hundred years, with not a single change made since then as its accuracy was simply unmatchable by any other system. A day for Nero's old world was only 7200 cels (1 hour) longer than the new world's, thereby, making the estimations by Nova, the AI, quite accurate.


After finishing up with his dream-like bath, Nero was left without a top to wear. The girl who had ripped his shirt had met up with him in the changing room and asked him if he was okay staying over at her house where she lived with her parents and younger sister. Nero had simply been delighted. This ticked off most of his worries for the near future and, as an additional bonus, he had more opportunities to feel a woman's breasts, which was on his to-do list.

As a substitute to his shirt, Nero had been given a dry cotton towel to keep his chest covered from the late-night breeze. For exiting the spired building, He just had to put pressure on a circular tab that was placed on both sides of every door.

After walking out of the building, Nero almost immediately felt the cool breeze that was mentioned previously by the green-haired girl, whom Nero now knew as Cyl.

Oddly, however, he did not feel as chilly as it should be to condense the surrounding air into the fog that was currently beneath his feet.

'Is it some bloody stone again?' Nero was honestly quite mad and jealous of these stones. In his world, he would've loved to use them, but he simply didn't know their makeup. He could only speculate its relation to the unknown particle, as he had found no other difference, yet, in the quantum makeup of this new universe. He'd already tried to revisualize the 4th dimension but the stored executable had no effect on his mind anymore, so he was pretty sure he was outside his previous universe.

Frankly, he was right! About both the fog seemingly coming out of a stone and about not being inside his birth universe.

Now that he had a small gap of view from the shuffling of girls in front of him, who had come to a sudden stop, he could see a large old man and a small skinny dude sitting side by side on a bench across the rock embedded road, on the pavement. under the giant's feet were a pair of glowing white lights, or what they seemed like through the fog covering them, that was constantly bobbing up and down. The fog spread out and always stayed close to the ground as if it were restricted or maybe too dense to rise.

From his view, Nero could see the large man wearing furry clothing slowly rise, the lights in the fog had stopped bobbing and started diminishing. His golden cane always stayed vertical from the ground, even while he was sitting. He also noticed all the girls in front of him adopted a slight bowing posture as if they were meeting someone esteemed or respected.

The girls were smart enough to guess why the leader was here as they too had heard rumors of the little boy using mana. To them, this was an unachievable feat.


The only way to control and use mana, according to the deciphered scripts, was with extreme awareness and some other little things that made the process easier. This was normally only achievable with high-level meditation, one that was focussed only and only towards 'feeling' his surroundings, one would know their progress the more they sense resistance from the world itself. This level was decided by how far and accurate one's brainwaves were over their surroundings.

After sensing as much resistance as one could, they would have to overcome that level of resistance. This was the point where the scriptures stopped, leaving the way for one to 'overcome' unfinished. Many people had gotten to this point, where they could feel something akin to a wall stopping their awareness.

Nero, however, was a special case.

In his possession were 300 years of experience perfectly stored without a single detail lost, not to mention, Nova. Simply having an AI such as her that could perform any possible command in a literal instant made him 'special'.

there were many reasons as to why Nero had achieved control over mana so easily and smoothly. The only reason he had 'felt' resistance on his brain so quickly, compared to even the prodigies who took at least a few weeks to get to that point, was because of Nova. As she could, and had, record all of Aldin's brain and body activities, she knew of even the slightest of information or feedback that got supplied into his brain and got usually ignored, like the effort needed to breathe, etc.

In Aldin's birth village, Aldin had witnessed a few warriors who could control mana, though with little to no precision, meditating. Trying to imitate them, he positioned himself into a similar meditation position. After a long time of staying in that position, like those warriors used to, he still didn't feel any of the resistance the warriors talked about, so he simply asked them how they had felt it.

Their answer was quite surprising to Aldin, they told him to focus his emotions on his surroundings. He didn't understand as he couldn't feel his surroundings so he couldn't affect something he couldn't feel. It was quite a contradiction, to feel the resistance one had to feel his surroundings, but only when one could feel the resistance could they feel their surroundings.

Nonetheless, Aldin tried. He thought that instead of directing mixed emotions into the surroundings, he would push all his focus on one emotion. On that day, Aldin tried filling up his surroundings with boredom, happiness, excitement, tiredness, frustration, and finally, dominance. He did this all in order, and after getting frustrated as to why nothing would happen, he tried it once more, telling himself it was his last try, and meditated with the intent to feel resistance, commanding the concept of resistance itself to come to his senses.

Unfortunately, to him, he felt nothing, but in actuality, he did get feedback from his surroundings, only it was so minute that he couldn't pick it up. Nova, who had the complete awareness of any feedback through the senses, didn't miss this little minute change in the temperature and the slight mental fatigue, that came only from Aldin's last attempt. Because of this, she knew that dominance was the way to go. Just the fact that Nero started off meditating with the intent to control and command was incredibly helpful because, if he started like Aldin did, with mixed emotions, then he too would have not so easily gained control over mana, as his subconscious would have a hint of inquisition as to whether he was actually doing it correctly.

Just the start itself was a great boon for Nero, not to mention his 300 years of remorseless living. His emotions were, at the moment, like any other person's, in that they were subjectable to irrationality, entropy, and other oddities humans display. These emotions were, Nero could say, the best thing that he ever got, which coincidentally made sense as he had started receiving them on his birthday!

He had done many morally unjust acts and saying that would be an understatement. He had killed, tortured, dissected, burned, and subjected humans to mind-destroying and unfathomable agony, not even staying limited to their physical body, but EVEN to their mentality.

All of it, he did mercilessly, without a second thought, or even mere hesitation.