Chapter 882 - Aftermath of Giant Attack Ⅱ (1/1)

A Bend in Time EsliEsma 30140K 2022-07-25

Minister Jenkins is escorted by her team of Auror's to the dungeons of the Ministry of Magic. The air is bleak and forbidding. There are no pictures on the walls and nary a single decoration. Photographers shiver as they stand and wait on the other side of the stone halls forbidden from taking pictures inside the courtroom. Yet they eagerly move knowing that regardless of tonight's results, they had a big story on their hands for the early morning's paper edition.

The doors open to reveal a series of rows of benches that rise at all levels around the stone chamber. The seats are positioned to always have a clear view of those standing before them. The only area not filled by the populace is the center area that holds the seated Wizengamot. Some of the Wizengamot had hastily risen out of bed as their hair is in disarray or is still in hair curlers, and from out under their Wizengamot plum robes bed slippers peek out from under them.

The journalists are silent except for the sound of writing as it is prohibited to speak out of turn lest they risk being kicked out. Excluding the reporters, those that sit in the stands are individuals of importance. To the shock of many among those seated s is the figure of Reginald Prince. Despite the presentation ball of his grandchildren, Reginald Prince was still present at the Wizengamot. Many of the purebloods silently approved of his actions. It showed the importance of the Wizengamot.

Minister Jenkins feels some measure of relief at spotting Reginald Prince in attendance. Feeling marginally better, she strides forward until she halts at the center of the floor. The doors loudly shut behind her as the only sound heard is the sound of Bob Ogden putting on their official robes and taking his seat on the Wizengamot. Taking a deep breath, she cautiously studies the already seated Wizengamot.

There sitting in the front and presiding is the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, Albus Dumbledore. His long silvery hair and beard are neatly tucked into his belt. His plum robes have an engraved silver letter, the letter W signaling that he serves on the Wizengamot. His blue eyes are unusually solemn from behind half-moon spectacles sitting on his long, crooked nose.

However, Minister Jenkins could bȧrėly restrain herself from shivering. Professor Dumbledore played so well his role as the eccentric Hogwarts Headmaster that many including herself had forgotten the power and might the elderly wizard still in fact possessed. Yet she had seen the vivid destruction and scorches marks left inside of the atrium that only a wizard or witch of great power could create upon the heavily warded floors. Albus Dumbledore is the wizard, who defeated the most powerful dark wizard of all time, Gellert Grindelwald.

Minister Jenkins pulls herself together only to meet the gaze of the oldest Wizengamot member far older than even the Chief Warlock by many years, Madam Professor Griselda Marchbanks. She pulls her gaze away to catch the eye of Tiberius Ogden, who sits on the other side of Chief Warlock Dumbledore. (Tiberius Ogden is a distant cousin of the former Head of Auror's of Bob Ogden.) Seated in the rows behind them are other Wizengamont members such as Dumbledore's schoolmate chum and close friend, Elphias Doge, Albert Runcorn, and many other prominent Wizengamont members. The entirety of the Wizengamot had ȧssembled to manage the startling situation.

In the corner of the room sits a wiry blond court scribe. The younger wizard is fair-skinned with broad shoulders and a pair of spectacles hanging on the tip of his nose. A good-natured lad, Tiberius McLaggen flashes the Minister of Magic a brief smile wishing her luck, before rising to his feet. In a loud, clear voice, he says, ”It is December 22nd, 1975. Under the direction of Chief Warlock, Albus Dumbledore, the entirety of the Wizengamot has gathered to discuss the transpired events of this evening. The current elected Minister of Magic, Eugenia Jenkins shall take the floor and if need be action will be taken requiring a majority of the Wizengamot to agree or the motion shall fail. Are there any objections to the Minister of Magic's right to speak?”

”I duly record that no objections have been voiced,” Tiberius McLaggen gravely declared. ”It is with great honor and solemnity that I turn over the right to speak to the current elected Minister of Magic, Eugenia Jenkins.”

Hundreds of heads turn in the direction of the Minister of Magic, Eugenia Jenkins takes a deep breath to focus. She had not much time to prepare, but she would not show any signs of weakness. The die is cast. There is no turning back.

In the public viewing stands, reporters are poised with their quills ready to take notes. Among them is a certain blond, pesky reporter with rhinestone glasses and crimson painted claws. Rita Skeeter looked rather elegant in her crimson robes as she had in attendance at the presentation ball. She had not been disappointed at all and now here she was.

Rita Skeeter purses her lips as she scans the courtroom paying close attention, who is in attendance. She shivers and hastily skips over the presence of Reginald Prince. Many of the purebloods are missing as the Black's and others, but others like the Flint's, Bones, and other pureblood families are still present.

”My fellow, Wizengamot members, and the witches and wizards of the wizarding world,” Minister of Magic Eugenia Jenkins confidently began. ”It is with great solemnity that I stand before you on this abysmal evening.” The stone chamber remains silent as those present expect the Minister of Magic to explain and defend herself.

”We have lost dozens of our Auror forces this evening including A.P.D. officers, innocent civilians, and even muggles at the brutal hands of the giants,” Minister Jenkins plainly stated. ”Yet despite the unexpected ambush our forces held against the full brunt of the giants and withstood their terrible might. I vehemently express my gratitude to all of those that participated in the battle including Chief Warlock Dumbledore.”

There is a soft rustle as reporters and those present exchange glances. It is unusual for the Minister of Magic to flatter the Chief Warlock so bluntly in public. Then again, the Minister of Magic needed to save her own skin so to speak.

”However, we could not have achieved such a victory without the unprecedented aid without the aid of the goblins, hags, and trolls,” Minister Jenkins carefully articulated. ”We owe them our appreciation and in view of our successful alliance, I propose that until the giants are cast out from our lands that we permit the alliance between our united forces. I request that the Goblin Liaison Office under the Head of Goblin Office, Curthebert Mockridge head the alliance in conjunction with Ministry Official Nurnaff to settle the finer details.”

A burst of whispers erupts as Rita Skeeter and the other reporters eagerly jot down the statement. Many of the pureblood's frowned at the was the utterly preposterous proposal.. The magical treaties could not be broken, and it would be foolish to give the goblins and other magical existences more power. It would break the equilibrium of power otherwise!