Chapter 859 - Giant’s Rampage Ⅲ (1/2)
Abruptly the Ministry of Magic's alarms begins to shrilly ring causing Alastor Moody and Rufus Scrimgeour to scramble out of their shared office. A tiny female house elf with great big eyes, a hooked nose, and pointed ears stand amid the cubicles of the Auror's. The tiny house elf in a neat little French maid outfit squeakily says, ”Zuffe has been sent by Mistress Malfoy. There is an ongoing Giant attack at the village of Fernburgh! Auror's please hurry!” With a little bow, the house elf loudly disappeared straight afterward.
There is a silence before shocked whispers fill the Auror quarters, ”Giants!” They were fearsome foes according to childhood tales. And of the Auror's were in shock and even dread as none of them had ever been in direct combat against a giant. There are some things that the Auror Academy simply does not prepare one for.
Alastor turns in grim triumph toward Rufus as if to say, ”I told you so!” Rufus merely frowns and gestures with his eyes to the whispering Auror's.
Without hesitation, Alastor points at several veteran Auror's and one other senior Auror member causing the office to fall into silence. ”Those that I've gestured are with me,” he matter-of-factly said, before pointing at the thin, tired-looking form of Percius Clements, who had not been sleeping well since the death of Damocles Belby. ”Senior Auror Clements, there is bound to be a second attack elsewhere. Gather a second team and head to the location the minute any report comes in.”
Percius nods his head in understanding before turning and pointing at various fledging's, at least two other veterans, one senior Auror, and his partner, John Dawlish to quickly gather in a group to formulate a plan. Alastor turns his head away and firmly gazes at Rufus. ”Veteran Auror Scrimgeour will manage Headquarters, whilst a small squad and I depart immediately for Fernburgh.”
Rufus looks mutinous for a moment, but Alastor gazes confidently at the younger wizard. He claps his hand on Rufus's shoulder in emphasis. ”If worst comes to worst, Rufus, this may be a diversion. A possible prelude to an attack on the Ministry of Magic by the Giants. I need someone I can wholly trust in power to do the right thing no matter the cost. I am counting on you, Rufus.”
Rufus nods his tawny head in understanding. ”I will not fail,” he solemnly vowed and patted the arm of Alastor briefly in solemn promise.
”Good man,” Alastor said in a thick Scottish borough, before turning towards the rest of the department. ”Auror Shacklebolt, Podmore, Stein,” he said causing the three Auror's to stand up straight.
”I want St. Mungo's to be forewarned, the A.P.D. to be ready to depart with reinforcements, and we are going to need the Oblivator Headquarters on standby as well as sending word to the Minister of Magic and all other reinforcements. I am counting on your ingenuity to complete all of the ȧssigned tasks,” Alastor Moody firmly declared.
”Yes, Senior Auror Moody!” The three Auror's loudly replied.
”And as for the rest of you, Veteran Auror Scrimgeour will ȧssign your duties and post!” Alastor roared, before marching out of the Ministry at full speed with the accompanying Auror's close in tow.