Chapter 843 - Prepping Ⅴ (1/2)
Leading the way, the two of them stride down the hall across the rich carpet. For a moment, James feels all breath leaves his lungs as he sees Lily. She looked simply breathtaking in her ballgown as she shyly gazed up at Severus with a rosy blush on her face and hearts in her eyes. No, HIS LILY would have never worn anything so fancy and would have disregarded the practices of purebloods with a snort. No, this wasn't his Lily, and that still hurt as much as all the previous times before.
The gentle squeezing of his forearm by Rowan pulls James back to the present. He breathes deeply for a moment, before pulling himself together. He wishes that he didn't react so emotionally each time he faced Lily, but he couldn't help himself. Every time, he saw Lily, she only served to constantly remind him of HIS LILY and all that he had lost. The painfully healing wound in his ċhėst is unwittingly reopened again never able to heal nor much less scar.
Another gentle squeeze around his forearm reminds James that he is not alone. He weakly smiles at Rowan, before taking another breath and closing his features off. He had been caught off guard, but he was ready now. With a collected expression, he approaches Lily and Severus.
Before they approach them, James is startled to see an almost recognizable figure step forward between them. With light-colored hair and pale eyes, the thin, tall figure of Petunia Evans can be seen in an elegant ballroom gown. It wasn't the fact that she was present that so greatly astonished him, but rather that there was no sneer nor disdain on Petunia's face. Petunia had always disdained magic including Lily and him including calling her own sister a freak.
”Petunia?” James blurted out loud in disbelief.
Petunia arches her brow at the youth escorting Rowan. ”And who, might you be?”
James is uncertain of what to say until Rowan says, ”This is the infamous James Potter.”
Petunia blinks in surprise and carefully eyes Rowan's escort. ”So, this is the famous James Potter that I've heard much about you from Lily and Rowan. Mm, you're much shorter than I thought you would be.” For James Potter was nearly a full head shorter than Rowan.
Rowan snorts at seeing James choke at Petunia's words. ”Yes, well, I happen to be taller than most boys our age. Though I must admit, it certainly helped that I ate all my vegetables and fruits. Frankly, I'm surprised Sirius is as tall as he is considering that he and James mostly lived off pumpkin juice and an array of sweets and similar unhealthy foods during most of the school year.”
Petunia smirks causing James to flush a bit with embarrassment. He couldn't deny the truth of the statement as he had in fact in his youth eaten rather unhealthily. It was something that he lamented now, but there wasn't really anything he could do. Besides he wasn't done growing yet, he still had time!
Before James can defend himself, Petunia turns to Rowan and says, ”Row, I have yet to compliment you, but you look beautiful.”
”There is no need for such flattery, Petunia,” Rowan drily retorted. ”We both know that my sharp features, height, and slenderness are not exactly great qualities for a great beauty.”
”Simply because you are not built with a curved hourglass figure nor possess the soft features of girls like Lily that does not mean you are not beautiful or any less captivating, Row,” Petunia firmly replied causing the tips of Rowan's ears to turn a brighter shade of pink. ”There are all types of beauties in this world, Rowan, and though Lily is just lovely like the flower she was named after, you have all the beauty of a wild rose, fierce, and deadly, but breathtaking and majestic all the same.”
Rowan coughs loudly to hide her embarrassment and abruptly changes the subject. ”And where is Andrew, I do not see him?” She curiously asked as she glanced around having spotted his parents further down the corridor.
”He had to visit the boy's room,” Petunia honestly replied, before turning to James. ”And what say you, James, is Rowan not lovely tonight?” Seeing James remain silent, she impatiently snaps, ”Come on, speak up, or does the kneazle have your tongue?” She smugly smiled having learned the wizard equivalent of the phrase 'cat got your tongue.”
James's lips twitch for a moment, before he drily says, ”I was under the impression its proper manners not to interrupt when two young ladies are conversing.” He paused to glance at Rowan for a moment, before composing his thoughts. ”Rowan is certainly not a great beauty like Bethanie Fawley nor Tiffany Topsey, but there is something that naturally draws the eye, a wonderous beauty, and attractiveness that is no less breathtaking.”
A blank look appears on Rowan's appears on her face showing that she is stunned at James' abrupt praise. The tips of her ears turn a bright shade of pink, while her face carefully returns to a poker face. Uncertain of what to say at that moment, Rowan eyes Petunia pointedly in an accusing fashion. A satisfied expression on Petunia's face as she gave James Potter a secretive ȧssessing but approving look.
Wanting to break the awkwardness of the situation, James inquisitively asks, ”If I may ask, why do you call, Rowan, Row, Petunia?”
”Well, only I have the distinct privilege to call Rowan, Row,” Petunia proudly answered with a smug tilt of her head. ”We became friends some years ago, and frankly, I always liked Rowan over Severus and Rowan rather liked me over Lily. Mind you we don't always see eye to eye, but that's what friends are for.”