Chapter 840 - Prepping Ⅱ (1/2)

A Bend in Time EsliEsma 30130K 2022-07-25

Finished admiring her reflection, Petunia turns around and flounces over to the adjacent door that connects the adjacent bedroom. ”I'm coming in, Lils,” Petunia loudly announced her presence, before she stepped into the guest chambers occupied by her younger sister.

Standing in the doorway, Petunia came to a halt letting out a quiet gasp. Seeing Petunia's expression Lily's already nervous expression worsens as Lily begins biting her rose-colored painted lips. Lily anxiously grips her skirt as she sees Tuney's frozen expression. ”Do I look that bad?” Lily blurted out in a panic. She just knew that her fiery red-colored hair was going to clash horribly with her cream-colored dress! White was just one of those colors that redheads were not meant to wear!

Lily almost buries her face in white-gloved hands before remembering her makeup. She lets out a desperate mȯȧn as panic begins to fill her face. ”Please Petunia,” she pleaded, ”I swear I didn't do my makeup. I pleaded with Mrs. Abbott that the rosebud lip shade would make me look like an insane clown or a horrible bloody monster! But she insisted that it would look good on me!”

Seeing her younger sister blabbering in panic, Petunia awakens from her stupor and wryly smiles at Lily. Lily's ginger hair was pulled back with diamond hairpins. Her emerald eyes sparkled full of worry, but she looked ever so lovely. It was one of the things that Petunia was most envious of Lily since Petunia didn't always feel very feminine at times thanks to her height.

”Severus won't know what hit him,” Petunia smirked with glee.

Lily's mouth snaps shut in shock and flushes a horrible splotchy pink. ”You're just saying that to make me feel better, Petunia,” she protested gazing at her older, taller sister with an envious look. ”You look so elegant and tall like a Queen.” She turns to glance at the mirror behind her and sadly murmurs, ”But look at me, I'm short and stout.”

Petunia flushes a bit in embarrassment and pride at the compliments from her younger sister. ”Nonsense, you're every bit as lovely,” she muttered as she reached for her fan and flourished it dramatically just as she had been taught to. She quickly fans her red face to cool it and changes the subject. ”Well, do you have everything?”

”Mm,” Lily hastily said as she pointed to the beautiful silver pin in the shape of a wyvern with sapphire jeweled eyes that is pinned to her dress. ”Rowan explained that I was to wear the broach at all times since Severus would be wearing a matching broach.”

”Excellent,” Petunia murmured snapping her fan shut with a furl. Glancing at the time, she said, ”We best head downstairs. Mr. Abbott said that we would need to floo early to the Verninac Manor prior to the presentation ball.”

”Right,” Lily said as she hurriedly reached for her gloves and crookedly slipped them on.

Petunia rolls her eyes and motions to Lily to raise her hands. She carefully straightens the gloves and steps back with a pleased head nod. ”There, perfect,” she said in satisfaction. ”Now, you look picture perfect.”

Lily weakly smiles and looks a bit faint. ”Petunia, what if I embarrass, Severus? Or what if I trip and roll down the stairs and rip my dress and make a fool of myself! Or what if while dancing I step on-,” Lily is unable to speak as Petunia presses a finger to her lips to stop her from speaking.

Petunia arches her brow at Lily, who wilts and removes her finger from her younger sister's lips. ”I can't say all of those won't happen, Lily,” Petunia said causing Lily to let out a sickly whimper. ”However, there is magic to fix your dress and I doubt Severus will let you fall nor will he say anything if you step on his feet. The boy's been absolutely head over heels since the first you met, and even after you nearly punched him in the face and told him not to call you a witch!”

Lily flushes scarlet at the reminder causing Petunia to let out a chuckle. ”If you haven't scared him off after all these years, well, then nothing else will.”

”I guess,” Lily weakly replied in embarrassment. ”Still, I wish mum and dad were here.”