Chapter 794 - Aurora Malfoy Ⅱ (1/2)

A Bend in Time EsliEsma 29970K 2022-07-25

The main drawing room is rather quiet except for the deep breathing and snores of the three sleeping young children and the lulling lullabies that play softly on the enchanted self-playing organ. A loud pop is suddenly heard causing the three children to sleepily shift but remain sound asleep. The three men all turn in the direction of the source to see the Malfoy house elf.

A tiny creature with large, bat-like ears and bulging green eyes the size of tennis bulbs stands before them. Dobby, the Malfoy house elf wore a neat black jacket accompanied by a glistening white toga dress. Moving excitedly on his tippy toes, Dobby squeaks, ”Master Malfoy, Dobby has been sent by the Mistress sister and mother. The daughter is safely here. Dobby has a new mistress to look after, Dobby is happy!” Before vanishing with a loud pop.

Lucius leaps to his feet with Charlie sound asleep in his arms. Glancing wildly around, he hurriedly hands the still sleeping figure of Charlie to his father, Arthur Wesley, before rushing away. The doors slam open in his haste, but Lucius runs away in a most undignified manner through the halls towards their private quarters, where his beloved Narcissa lay giving birth to their firstborn child.

Arthur and Ted share amused expressions, before each picking up their sleeping children. Arthur lets out a bit of a loud huff at carrying Bill and Charlie. His two sons were both heavy and Bill being so very much larger. Seeing Arthur's wince, ”I'll carry, Charlie,” Ted kindly offered.

”Thank you, Ted,” Arthur said as he handed with one hand his youngest son to his friend, Ted to carry along with his snoozing daughter.

With the children firmly held, the two men make their way down the hall towards the Malfoy private quarters. Through the lavish halls and past the smug-looking portraits, they at long last arrive at the inner quarters of the Malfoy family. Coming down the hall towards them is a short, kindly witch that is slightly plumb, Molly Weasley.

Arthur beams with love at seeing his beloved mollywobbles causing Molly to flush at her husband's ardent gaze. ”Oh you,” she teased, before turning towards the fair-haired man. ”Thank you, Ted, for helping Arthur,” she genuinely said as she took back her youngest son into her arms.

”It was my pŀėȧsurė, Molly,” Ted's replied with genuine warmth.

Molly does not reply as she glances down to peek at her youngest son, Charlie. Her son was no longer a babe and he and Bill were growing up so very fast. It made her heart feel rather melancholic. Besides, she wanted a girl, perhaps, it was finally time to try again for another.

While Molly and Arthur draw close to speaking intimately, Ted wordlessly excuses himself and carries his daughter, Dora in his arms towards his wife, (who he fondly called) Dromeda and his mother-in-law, Druella who stand at the entrance of the Malfoy couples' bedroom. The lighter brown-haired witch, Andromeda is the first to turn around. She is a beautiful woman that looked quite a bit like her deceased elder sister, Bellatrix. Although, unlike Bellatrix, Andromeda's gray eyes were much gentler than Bellatrix had ever been in life.

”How are they, Dromeda?” Ted asked his wife with sincere concern regarding his sister-in-law and his newborn niece.

”Narcissa and the babe are doing well,” Andromeda answered with a smile, before bending down to place a kiss on her daughter's sleeping face. Dora despite being sound asleep scrunches her face in dislike and curls her head further against her father's ċhėst as if to hideaway.