Chapter 785 - Extended Invitation Ⅲ (1/2)
Facing Mr. Prince with a polite expression, Mr. Evans carefully says, ”Mr. Prince has our Lily offended anyone she not ought to have? The Abbott family kindly explained to us various details about the wizarding world. They explained that children born from folks without magic like our daughter, Lily are called muggleborn. Then are those that are called half-blood's like Rowan and Severus, where one parent is magical, and that those called purebloods are for possessing solely an untainted magical lineage.”
Mr. Evans paused to carefully word his following sentence. ”From what Mr. Abbott explained, purebloods feel that muggleborn witches and wizards are a threat to wizarding society because they undervalue or trash thousands of years' worth of history and tradition. I understand that to aid with that topic that the magical government, the Ministry of Magic has opened schools to help appease those most concerned that the magical world's traditions will be destroyed and have implemented a new wizarding etiquette class at Hogwarts to explain important traditions of those residing in the wizarding world.”
”That is an excellent summarization, Mr. Evans,” Reginald said with a tilt of his head. ”It is not that muggleborn witches or wizards do not have anything good to wizarding society, but oftentimes, they naively trample upon ideas and traditions that have thousand-year history attached to them. That is precisely, why the Ministry of Magic and the Hogwarts Board have implemented these changes to ease the fear on both sides and breach the divide between both groups.”
”Well, I think it is an excellent idea,” Mrs. Evans interjected. ”Lily says that if not for Severus and Rowan, she would have been wholly lost her first year at Hogwarts. She says that wizarding etiquette is an important topic that she would have loved to learn during her first two years at Hogwarts. Even now, she says that she sometimes she says or does things that is a social faux pas in wizarding society.”
”That is partially as to the reason for my unexpected visit this evening,” Reginald confessed.
”Is it because Lily and Severus are dating?” Petunia blurted out, before flushing in embarrassment. She wasn't supposed to tell her parents before Lily got a chance too. Whoops!
Mr. Evans and Mrs. Evans look visibly startled by the news, while Reginald seemingly ignores the information. ”My grandson, Severus has requested that Lily be his primary escort during his official presentation into society.”
Petunia lets out a low gasp at Mr. Prince's words. She knew the importance of the event because her boyfriend had explained it to her. Her sweet, Andrew had said that even if Severus wanted Lily to be his primary escort, there was no precedent for it. That such a move would cause huge waves in the pureblood society and cause a negative backlash.
”The honor of being a primary escort is immeasurable,” Reginald explained, ”nor has there ever been a muggleborn witch that has been requested to be a primary escort. There is no precedent, and it will cause waves throughout the social sphere.”
”Goodness gracious,” Mrs. Evans muttered out loud at the direct implications of the statement. ”Then you mean to say that the purebloods will not be pleased with the decision of Severus and Lily assenting to his request, Mr. Prince?”
”That is correct,” Reginald replied, before firmly saying, ”However, madam, I have never been one to fear the unknown, and my grandson has feelings for your daughter. As such, I will accept Lily Evans as the primary escort for my grandson, Severus Prince. In doing so, I ask for your formal permission and presence.”
The Evans couple stares at each other as Petunia's eyes bulge in shock. If Lily as a primary escort was shocking, then the attendance of their family would be even more shocking to the purebloods! Muggles were most assuredly not invited to such events! Even her boyfriend, Andrew couldn't figure out a way to safely have her attend the ball without any danger coming out of it.
After a moment, the Evans couple ceased to silently discuss with their eyes and turn to face Mr. Prince. ”Sir, we would be honored to attend, but I think it would be far too much for my wife and me. We would feel too much out of a place at such another important event. That being said, we would be honored if Lily could attend, and if that invitation might be extended to our daughter, Petunia. Unlike us, Petunia knows much more about wizarding society thanks to Rowan, and her boyfriend, a young wizard by the name of Andrew Abbott.”
”Miss Petunia Evans's presence will not be amiss nor cause any trouble. I will ensure that a formal invitation is sent including to young Andrew Abbott as her companion,” Reginald calmly explained. ”There will be no protests at her presence nor cause for concern, I can assure you. That being said there is one other topic which must be discussed.