Chapter 760 - Culling Aftermath (1/2)
Following the raid, at the establishment known as the Monarch Pub, the Auror Department is full of Auror's busy completing various tasks. Countless Auror's are at their desk writing up reports with wanted posters pinned to their cubicle's along with family photographs, their favorite Quidditch teams, or scowling portraits of wanted criminals. Among the sitting Aurors is a long-haired wizard with his hair in a ponytail and a witch with a pirate eyepatch over her missing eye lost during the attack at Damocles Belby's cottage. Other fledging Auror's are running around with stacks of parchment to transcribe prisoner statements and thus forth. While the Senior and Veteran Auror's are in charge of interrogating the captured prisoners. Either way, everyone seemed to be running on tea with spoonsful of sugar or mugs of coffee.
The Auror's at the cubicle openly grin and nod their heads as they see Senior Edgar Bones return from reporting to the Minister of Magic and their Head of Department, Elphinstone Urquart. The Auror's did not cheer as they were still on duty, (and were rather busy at that). However, once off duty, they'd be able to cheer loudly as much as they wanted. (And the Senior Auror's that had been part of the main assault would be invited to a local pub to drink and celebrate!)
Although rumor had it, (Auror's being a gossipy, nosey bunch that they are). That a pureblood had been discovered as well among the criminals, but it was mere unfounded tales at this point. Though none could deny that the Senior Auror's that had accompanied Auror Bones had all returned with pale and ghastly expressions. Then again, the testimonies of the captured denizens left much to be d.e.s.i.r.ed. It could simply be an
Despite everything, it had been a good night for the Auror's. They had dismantled a criminal organization and managed to neatly capture all their prisoners alive if not injured. No doubt there would be a grand trial that would later be held, but that would be the problem for the prosecutors chiefly Barty Crouch Sr. & Stephen Flint. They were the best that the Ministry of Magic had to offer, and they would ensure that the laws were enforced. It was the dawn of a new era, but most importantly a move that showed the power and might of the A.P.D. when combined with the Auror department.
Further down the hall, A.P.D. officers patrol the halls and past leading the Minister of Magic's office. Despite the late hour, the Minister of Magic Eugenia Jenkins was wide awake having been aware of the planned raid. The former potentate of London, Sanderson had the curtsey to set up a time and place for the attack. The attack had proceeded exactly according to plan with not a single loss nor death. There were injures acquired by both sides, but nonfatal.
The stout witch with bobbed hair lets out a sigh and rubs the back of her neck. The Minister of Magic Eugenia Jenkins had been receiving reports all night long including that of Auror Moody and Auror Bones. Turning her head, she views the new Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Elphinstone Urquart. The wizard in his early forties had dark hair slicked back calling attention to his widow's peak.
Unlike the previous Head of the Auror Department, Bob Ogden, Elphinstone used the laws and every single loophole to his advantage. That and he kept impeccable recordkeeping. It was a drastic change from the disarray of files that Bob Ogden kept.
Leaning back in her seat, Minister Jenkins closes the report lying on her desk before her. ”Destroy the report on Mulciber Sr.” She plainly ordered with a frown on her face. ”The case on Mulciber will destroy any progress achieved this night and will largely overshadow the Ministry of Magic's efforts.”
Elphinstone Urquart purses his lips for a moment, but he was a Slytherin. He understood that no matter how callous the Minister of Magic's words were, they were the truth. If they permitted the massacre committed by Mulciber Sr. to come to light, then all their hard-earned efforts would vanish into dust. It was a sacrifice that needed to be made.
”It shall be done, Minister,” Elphinstone quietly replied as collected the report to vanish in the privacy of his office. And would have a word with Senior Bones and all those that had been privy to the massacre. He knew that they would oppose the decision, but in the end, would obey the command from on high.
Seeing Elphinstone's expression, Minister Jenkins sighs again. ”I hate ordering you to do so, Urquart, but I will not have Mulciber Sr. gain any sort of pity from the public after the atrocities he committed this night.”
”Did the report from St. Mungo's already arrive?” Elphinstone asked with curiosity as he paused and looked up from his task of gathering the reports.
”Mrs. Prim delivered the report just before your arrival, Urquart,” Minister Jenkins replied as she tapped one of the reports on her desk with one stubby finger. ”Healer Hippocrates Smethwyc stated in his report that Mulciber Sr. had consumed a dark poison. Despite their best efforts, Mulcier Sr. will remain immovable the rest of his life as it destroyed most of the nerve system contained within his body. They are not certain if he will ever awake from his present stupor, and if he does, he will remain immobile for the rest of his life nor much less be able to move nor speak.”