Chapter 745 - Ug Ⅲ…. (1/1)

A Bend in Time EsliEsma 28620K 2022-07-25

Certain that Lorcan is long gone, Rowan pitch black, indigo colored eyes grow colder if at all possible. ”Gentlemen, you will find that I am the farthest that can be from being in a merciful mood,” she coolly explained as she glanced pointedly at her wand. ”You see, I absolutely DETEST bullies.” The stunned boys on the floor grow very pale and loudly gulp at her words.

”But don't worry, I won't leave a physical mark on any of you,” Rowan said with an icy expression causing some of the boys to shiver uncontrollably. ”Just Kidding. Can't you all take a joke?” However, the boy's expressions remained terrified as her expression clearly said that was a lie.

Rowan waves her wand causing the boys to flinch as she says, ”Expecto Patronum!” A bright silver mist erupts from the tip of her wand to form a silvery Thestral flapping its wings. The Thestral flaps its wings angrily and stomps its hooves at the boys, before vanishing through the wall at a full gallop.

Inside the staffroom, several of the Professors sit together enjoying a cuppa of tea. The staffroom was a long, paneled room full of old mismatched chairs that had seen better days. However, with the recent addition of Professor Prince and Professor Mortimer the staff room had been improved between the two witches. There were now comfortable, but luxurious armchairs, settees, loveseats, and other accessories such as a lush carpet, beautiful vases, and more This was all accompanied by an elegant long oval table with well-crafted wooden chairs with comfortable seat cushions. There were even exquisite silver china sets, silver platters, and other such items for their dining usage. Overall, it was a rather relaxing experience, but any mention of gratitude from any of the Professors caused the two witches to turn their noses at them and mutter something along the lines, 'Of course.'”

Pleasantly chatting over a steaming teapot of tea and gingersnaps are two witches accompanied by a rather handsome Professor. One of the witches is Professor Pomona Sprout, a squat little witch with wry and dirt-covered clothes, while the other is Madam Hooch, a witch with short frazzled hair and yellow-like eyes. And Professor Douglas Winfrey, an attractive rugged man with spiky hair, and a crooked smile capable of even charming the very birds out of the sky.

Sitting nearby is Professor also known as Master Strauss, a rather tanned man with a scholarly air, who chats with Professor Elias Murphy regarding historical parallels between the wizarding world and that of the muggle world. Professor Elias Murphy was a muquib with round glasses, ginger hair with a good smarting of freckles across his face. He was a rather patient, but intelligent man that had even managed to gain the trust of the Slytherins in his classes.

The five of them are rather startled to find a silver Thestral Patronus gallop into the staff meeting room. A voice emerges from the Thestral that says, ”Professor Sprout, if you would please hurry.” The Thestral impatiently stamps its hooves against the ground impatiently in emphasis.

Professor Sprout firmly tugs her patched hat over her flyaway hair and says, ”Lead the way,” before rushing out of the staff room.

”Well, I've got nothing better to do,” Madam Hooch curiously muttered causing her yellow-like eyes to glint with interest as she scrambled after her friend.

With a good-natured shrug, Professor Winfrey rises to his feet and says, ”Well, I can't just abandon the ladies to their own devices,” and hurries after Madam Hooch and Professor Sprout.

Master Strauss snorts and takes a sip of his tea in reply muttering something about a ”womanizer,” under his breath. Professor Murphy lets out a low chuckle in reply, before resuming their conversation as before as though nothing had ever occurred.

Following after the glowing Thestral, Professor Sprout holds onto her patched hat with one hand with Madam Hooch letting out a gleeful cry as she chased after them as though she was playing quidditch. Madam Hooch was seeker, and the Thestral was the seeker! And it certainly felt like it too with the storm roaring outside and the fire torches flickering from the breeze within the stone halls.

Professor Sprout a bit breathless finally rounds the last corner to find Rowan Prince flexing her fingers around her wand and a group of boys neatly tied up and gagged in a row. Before Professor Sprout can speak, Madam Hooch rounds the corner and gawks. ”By Helga's Rear, what manner of perverse play is this?!”

”Language, Rolanda!” Professor Sprout chided Madam Hooch, who innocently shrugged.

Not even out of breath, Professor Winfrey pulls up next to Madam Hooch and carefully takes in the scene before him. ”I am certain that Prefect Prince would not have done such a thing without a reason,” he sincerely said as he recalled their first encounter that would be infamously known as the Proposition Incident.

”Thank you for that vote of confidence, Professor Winfrey,” Rowan unaffectedly said, before turning towards Professor Sprout with a cool gaze. ”Professor Sprout, this group of ruffians all happens to be members of your house. And as to the reason why they are neatly tied up and gagged because as a whole group they were kicking and beating, Lorcan D'Eath. My words can be confirmed by the matron of the infirmary,”

Professor Sprout's normally kind face hardens immediately after and narrows her eyes at the tied up Hufflepuff's before her. This was certainly not a Hufflepuff trait to have. However, Hufflepuffs tended to gossip and churn the rumor mill. Such things had been known to escalate in the past and even Hufflepuffs were not exempt from committing violent acts!

”I have not taken any house points nor assigned them any detentions,” Rowan continued, ”as I left their punishments to their Head of House. However, Professor Sprout, I would like to make one point abundantly clear. These boys all claim to be acting upon their instinct's against Mr. D'Eath because was born half-vampire. And unlike those boys might I add that no other former werewolves have acted out such urges and Mr. D'Eath has more a few friends that happen to be those cured as well.”

”I will take it from here, Prefect Prince,” Professor Sprout said with a determined expression. ”Thank you for summoning me and ensuring that young Lorcan D'Eath received proper care. Twenty-Five points to Slytherin!”

Rowan makes a bit of a face at Professor Sprout given her house points but does not contradict the Hufflepuff Head of House. ”Excuse me, Professors,” Rowan said, before turning away. From here on out, it was out of her hands. But Professor Sprout despite being very kind could take her Hufflepuffs in with a full reign when needed. If there was one thing that Professor Sprout hated it was acts of violence especially against another Hufflepuff.