Chapter 742 - Frost Moon Ⅸ (1/2)
While the elderly shaman, Aldonius conversed with Ronan inside the tent, Firenze quietly chatted with Rowan, while Nadira happily encircled her protector. From a nearby distance, the centaur chief, Magorian alertly watched over them lest anything occur on his watch. With Firenze declared a true seer by the guardian of Hogwarts, and the successor to the Shaman, he was the highest valued member within the tribe only second to the chieftain and shaman of the tribe.
After some time, a handsome red-headed centaur with a beard emerged from the shaman's tent, Ronan. He possessed a well-toned upper body with a gleaming c.h.e.s.tnut horse body with a long, well-groomed reddish tail. Trotting over to his charge, he says, ”Child of the Founders, I have been instructed by the Shaman to escort you back to Hogwarts.”
Nadira unhappy let's go of Rowan to allow her to get up from the grassy ground. ”Thank you,” Rowan said as she barely stifled a m.o.a.n as she climbed to her feet. She almost whimpered out loud at seeing Ronan bend down onto his knees for her to climb onto his back. With a resigned expression, Rowan climbs onto Ronan's back even though her leg and b.u.t.t.o.c.k.s are already screaming in agony.
Firenze's sapphire blue-colored eyes glitter like the brightest of gems as he says, ”I am certain that we will see each other soon enough, Rowan Prince.”
”Well, I would truly not mind,” Rowan lighthearted answered, ”I've grown rather fond of you, Firenze.”
Firenze lets out a laugh as Nadira impatiently twirls in the air and murmurs in English, ”Let us depart,” before darting forward.
”Naturally, Guardian,” Ronan obediently answered before galloping forward without so much as a goodbye to the shaman or chieftain.
Rowan, on the other hand, pales drastically in pain as they rushed forward. With ease, they traversed the large clearing, before exiting through the narrow pathway and past the thorny wall of bushes. Ronan confidently trotted through the Forbidden Forest with Nadira darting overhead between trees like some pale ghost.
Finally, the Forbidden Forest begins to thin as they reach the edge of the Forbidden Forest as Rowan lets out a sigh of relief. Nadira comes to a halt at the edge of the Forbidden Forest and flicks her tongue at them. ”I must return to the lake now, Protector,” Nadira softly said, before her serpent sapphire-colored eyes turned towards the centaur.
”Ronan, remember your vows,” Nadira sternly said with her forked tongue flickering in stern warning.
”The tribe will guard your existence with our very lives, Guardian,” Ronan solemnly answered.
”As it should be,” Nadira hissed before turning invisible and darting towards the lake. A loud crackling sound is heard as Nadira with ease breaks through the ice, before plunging into inky, icy depths of the lake.
Turning away, Ronan trots forward carefully with his charge on his back, Rowan. With ease, they cross the frozen grounds until they reach the entrance of the castle. Hooves echo across the cobbled stone road, before slowing to a halt. With a painful grunt, Rowan slides off the c.h.e.s.tnut horse quarters of Ronan.
Hobbling forward, Rowan turns and stops at the front doors. ”Will you speak to Professor Dumbledore?” She asked.
”I have been requested by the shaman to do so this very night,” Ronan quietly replied hiding his disp.l.e.a.s.u.r.e at the Shaman's orders. He did not possess any interest in interacting with magical humans, unlike Firenze. But he would not dare disobey a direct order from the Shaman, and the Shaman had said that it was for the protection of their tribe. And he would be willing to do anything to protect his tribe.
”I thought as much,” Rowan quietly said as she pulled out her wand from her robes. ”Climbing up to the Headmaster's office may not be a feasible option,” she drily murmured, before saying, ”Expecto Patronum!”
A bright silver mist erupts from the tip of Rowan's wand to form a silvery Thestral flapping its wings. The Thestral flaps its wings eagerly before darting into the night sky towards the Headmaster's tower. The glowing Thestral vanishes through the castle to its immediate destination.
Letting out a tired sigh, Rowan turns to face Ronan. ”I don't suppose you could omit my visit the tribe would you, Ronan? I would prefer to have detention for being out and wandering at this late hour than having to explain myself to the Headmaster.”
”The Shaman instructed as much,” Ronan calmly answered, before turning his head to gaze up the starry night.
Believing the centaur has nothing more to say, Rowan is about to turn away when she clearly hears Ronan say, ”The Frost Moon is extraordinarily bright tonight.”
”You don't say?” Rowan drily replied as she observed the centaur out of the corner of her eye.