Chapter 720 - Mulciber Matchmaking Ⅴ (1/2)

A Bend in Time EsliEsma 41560K 2022-07-25

There is a stretch of silence for a few moments before Mordecai impatiently moves in his seat earning a glare from his grandmother. Sitting still again, Mordecai glances at his younger brother, Benedict, who is pulled from his inner thoughts. Benedict's nose turns up at his brother's gaze as if irked, before turning to face Peregrine with a solemn expression.

”Now let us speak clear and concise terms,” Benedict said as Mordecai perks up again. ”Rosie is at present only fifteen years of age and we will not permit her to wed until she turns of age upon her sixteenth year. We will permit the immediate announcement of the betrothal, but the marriage will not take place until the summer after her 16th birthday.”

”That is fine by me on all accounts for I am in no hurry,” Benedict truthfully replied. ”However, I would like to request to be able to visit my betrothed and be permitted to go out on properly chaperoned outings. I realize that neither of us expected such an event in our lives, but I would like for the opportunity for there to be room for the growth of a friendship, if not more.”

”You tend for more than a simple marriage companionship?” Rosie bluntly interjected.

Peregrine flushes with some embarrassment and sheepishly ducked his head. ”I would not be opposed for deeper feelings to develop between us,” he muttered reticently with more than a tinge of embarrassment.

”Oh,” Rosie muttered with a faint blush on her cheeks as well earning a doting smile from her aunt Constance. ”I suppose I wouldn't mind such a thing,” she softly added, before glancing shyly away.

Benedict bursts the lovely pink bubble as he says, ”Excellent, we will not oppose as we wish the best for Rosie, and should natural feelings develop we will be all the better for it. Naturally, we require Rosie's protection that the bride remain v.i.r.g.i.nal until the wedding night. We will have no tarnishes thrown onto her reputation before the day of the wedding.”

”Sir, you will hear no protests from me,” Peregrine sincerely declared. ”I would very much prefer to wait until our wedding night to permit for natural feelings to grow if at all possible.”

”That being said, let us move on to monetary negotiations for a bridal cost, we will ask for 26,000 galleons, a suitable amount, but not an exorbitated amount,” Benedict firmly declared and shooting his elder brother a dark glare.

”No matter what some may argue, Rosie was never granted the same lavish lifestyle as her elder sister, Edna. There should be no protests from other parties lest the amount requested drop even lower,” Benedict pointedly said specifically to Mortdecai, who clamped up knowing full well his younger brother would make good on his threat.

Mordecai might be greedy, but he knew that he had not wasted more than 5,000 galleons on his younger daughter, and it truly was a generous offer. The best kept his mouth shut lest his younger brother changes his mind. That and his only son, Salinger would be furious to learn of the marriage contract that did not have him present. And Salinger doted on his two younger sisters especially Rosie. That was excluding the fact that his nephew, Terry also doted on Rosie.

Mordecai shivers rather harshly. Out of the two, his nephew frightened him more out the two. Unlike his son, Salinger, who would surely yell at him and give him a cold shoulder for a time, his nephew had no such qualms. Terry resembled far too much his younger brother, Benedict, and unlike his younger brother, his nephew had inherited the cunning streak of his sister-in-law, Terry's mother, Constance. No, no, he'd best ensure Rosie was always with during the winter holidays lest his nephew catch up unawares. There was no telling what that brat would and could do! That and Grandmother Ethel adored the brat! She'd forgive him in a heartbeat even if it was murder!

With Mordecai falling silent at his imagination, Peregrine agreeably responds. ”That is an acceptable amount for the bridal cost considering every factor. As for the wedding and engagement costs, they will be covered by the Mulciber household. The official betrothal will take place at Greengrass Manor as we are the party approving the marriage, and the wedding at Mulciber Citadel.”

”There will be no protest heard from our end,” Benedict asserted firmly to the offer. ”However, be forewarned our branch is the largest out all of the Greengrass branches. Considering the marriage between two families of the sacred 28 families, all of the Greengrass family branches must be invited to be present at the ceremony and especially the main Greengrass branch.”

”I am aware that it must be done in accordance to tradition for the main Greengrass branch must be present in order to give their approval to the marriage of the side branch,” Peregrine mused out loud, ”if I'm not mistaken.”

”That is correct,” Benedict clarified. ”Now as for the subject of heirs-.”

Peregrine flushes as does Rosie at the blunt statement. ”An heir must be born within the first three years of marriage,” he said bright red with embarrassment. ”I'm afraid that is a requirement for all Mulciber heirs.”

”Then an acceptable timeframe of five years,” Benedict muttered and saw Peregrine nod his head in acceptance. ”Now regarding the place of residence. What your father spoke before did he speak true?”

”Yes,” Peregrine staunchly confirmed. ”It was one of the conditions for my acceptance and return as his heir.”

”Then we shall not concern ourselves furthermore in that regard,” Benedict interposed. ”And regarding Rosie's safety you have already sworn a vow and that is just if not more binding than even a marriage contract. Now as for the Dowry-.”