Chapter 707 - Rachel Grimond Ⅴ (1/2)

A Bend in Time EsliEsma 30550K 2022-07-25

Seeing all the upper years expectantly staring at him, Slughorn proudly continues, ”The first and a portion of the second-year transfer students will be assigned to the fifth years. Naturally, our fifth-year Prefect's and Head Boy are exempt,” to the audible relief of Severus, Rowan, and Head Boy Darcy Travers.

Without any concern whatsoever, Slughorn begins to call out names.

Rowan tones out the names until she hears, ”Crowley, Quyen and Grimond, Rachel.”

Rowan makes a startled face, before glancing over at Quyen. Ever since Quyen Crowley had begun to date Pettigrew, the girl had become nicer. In retrospect, Quyen was probably a good match. A pureblood of good standing and would see to it that Rachel Grimond properly dressed and spoke from now on. And strangely enough, given Rachel Grimond's sullen manner, Rowan had the feeling that Quyen Crowley might be a good match. Who would have ever thought?

After some time, all of the assigned transfers on the list are finished being assigned. There had been more than a few older students, who had not even been given the option to be a mentor. It was all for a very good reason as said individuals were not suitable at all to be mentors such as Hortense Sicca and Gertrude Fowl.

However, to be perfectly honest, Rowan was most worried about Terry's protégé, Jeremy Heskel, (a young werewolf and his family, who had been adopted by an old werewolf by the name of Heskel). She wasn't the only one as Silvia was staring at her betrothed with a pointed stare.

Glaring back rather indignant at their accusing stares, Terry stoutly defends himself. ”I do have younger cousins, you know! Really, people!” He crossly puffed before folding his arms over his chest and turned his nose up at them. He was rather irked by his friend's lack of belief in him. He had only toyed with a younger student just once! Fine, maybe, more than once, but he hadn't damaged the boy!

Still, everyone's expressions read as ”That's exactly what we're afraid of. You're going to corrupt the poor innocent child.” In all fairness, they were Slytherins. Slytherins weren't exactly known for being incorruptible…. even Rowan couldn't argue otherwise.

But before Terry can protest his indignation at his friend's accusatory gaze, Professor Slughorn begins reading down the list for the sixth, and the seventh years. The sixth year's list has the remaining second years and a portion of the third years with the seven-year list be the shortest with the remaining third years. Still, both lists were a sizeable size, and a good portion of sixth and seventh years had a protégé.

With a satisfied expression, Professor Slughorn says, ”Well, that is all children. Now off to bed you go. Tomorrow, I expect all of you to properly introduce yourselves to your partners. Our two Prefect Prince's, and Head Boy Travers will naturally inform each student of their mentors.”

Rowan, Severus, and Darcy Traver's expressions all darken. While everyone heads off to bed, Rowan, Severus, and Head Boy Travers all collect a list from Professor Slughorn. By default, Head Boy Travers grabs the seventh-year list leaving Rowan and Severus to fiercely battle for the sixth-year list as it was shorter than the fifth-year list. In the end, Rowan wins the fierce rock, paper, and scissors battle.