Chapter 705 - Rachel Grimond Ⅲ (1/2)

A Bend in Time EsliEsma 29520K 2022-07-25

Having arrived at the Great Hall, Rowan slumped down next to Severus and Terry with her tired face only slightly perking up at the sight of the delicious food. Piling her plate high with a variety of foods, she numbly begins to eat as Terry says, ”Well, that's it. I think you and Severus should just quit being Prefects. You're both running yourselves ragged and the month of November has just gotten started!”

”Tell me about it,” Rowan grunted, before stuffing her mouthful with food.

Tiffany shakes her strawberry blond hair and says, ”Remus and Lily have it worse. I heard it straight from Mary and Willa's mouth, but Lily was almost in tears after the second-year's attempted to sneak out and fly during the middle of the night. Apparently, the lack of sleep almost every single night is really starting to get to her.”

Severus's eyes instantly filled with concern, but suddenly he winces in pain as Rowan had stomped on his foot. Severus glares at her as he moves his throbbing foot, while Rowan innocently blinks back as she chews her food. Still, it had worked, Severus wasn't thinking about Lily anymore, but rather revenge.

Swallowing rather loudly, Rowan wipes her mouth clean and says, ”On that note, all the fifth, sixth, and seventh years are having a house meeting today at nine with Professor Slughorn. Spread the word around.”

”Why?” Severus sharply asked his twin sister as he had the acute feeling that his twin sister knew much more than she was telling. It wasn't so much as a twin thing as a sibling thing.

”Who knows,” Rowan lied with a shrug. ”It's Professor Slughorn.”

Despite Rowan's answer, Severus did not look convinced, but he didn't ask again. Seated next to Terry, Silvia shakes her head at Rowan's response all the while holding hands with Terry underneath the dining table. Strangely enough, the couple was oddly romantic in the strangest of ways. Then again, they had known each other for several years and liked each other for almost equally as long.

On the other hand, Bethanie was notably missing including Regulus. With a little bit of aid from Sirius, Regulus had made his way down into the kitchen with a picnic basket. He'd planned a romantic meal with just the two of them by the lake before the weather truly turned cold. The cool even shared a cloak as the lovely couple watched the sunset beyond the horizon and enjoyed a delicious meal.

Rowan shakes her head and quickly finishes up dinner all the while listening to the chatter around her. Finished, she excuses herself and makes her way to Professor Babbling's quarters. She hadn't seen the professor at the staff table and safely concluded that Professor Babbling probably was still in her office.

Rowan is about to turn the corner when she spots Professor Slughorn's bulk making his way down the hallway. Retreating a few steps back, she waits as his large bulk disappears down the other hallway. He seemed in a cheerful mood from the looks of it, the conversation had been successful. Then again, maybe, it was a premature guess.

Once Professor Slughorn's heavy footsteps had faded away, she rounded the corner of the hall. She swiftly heads down the hall towards the office door of Professor Babbling. Raising her hand, she firmly knocks on the door twice, before waiting to hear a reply from inside. ”Enter,” Professor Babbling's voice loudly said from the other side of the door.

Pushing the door open, Rowan enters the office of Professor Babbling, before closing the door afterward. Professor Babbling quill is marking third-year essays, while Rowan patiently waits as she studies the Professor's office. It was a rather simple office filled with countless books and ancient rune volumes. There isn't much to say of decorations beyond a crimson and gold, Gryffindor banner hanging in the background, and various hand-painted ancient runes depicted in their original scenery.

After some time, Professor Babbling's quill stops moving and sets her feathered quill into its holder. Glancing up, her brown, and blue eyes flash as she leans back into her seat. ”How can I help you this evening, Prefect Prince? Let us be swift and candid, Prefect Prince. I have a stack of essays to grade-,” she gestured pointedly to the stack of third-year essays piled precariously on top of her desk.