Chapter 702 - Resolve (1/2)
It was five o'clock in the morning when Rowan awoke to hear a flapping-like sound. She was still recuperating after the Halloween Feast as the student body had flinched plenty of sweets to enjoy later and as such had been on what seemed on a perpetual sugar high ever since then. Tired even more so, she opens her eyes to blurrily see an owl in the dungeons. Squinting at the unusual sight, she blankly stares at the owl until it hoots. Warily reaching over to grab the letter, the owl softly hoots and scurries through a crack in the canopy curtains.
However, all Rowan can think about is how on Earth did an owl get into the dungeons, but even more importantly how was it going to leave? Shaking the sleep from her eyes, she lets out a loud yawn, before lazily stretching, and finally opening the letter.
It was a simple note that read, ”Professor Slughorn's Office, six o'clock.”
Glancing at the time, Rowan lets out a groan but managed to get out of bed. After a long hot shower later, she is warmly dressed as she made her way back down to the common room. To her surprise, Severus was already waiting for her. It was rare if ever for Severus to be up before her.
Suspiciously eying him, Rowan says, ”Well, why are you up to so early, Severus? For sure I thought you'd try to get in an extra half hour before getting up.”
Severus makes a face as he sighs and tucked some loose hairs across his face behind his ear. ”I've been thinking.”
”About Lily?” Rowan knowingly asked as she took the seat across from him.
”I want to get this over and done with,” Severus murmured as he ran a hand down his face. ”I don't want to keep having hope only for my hope to plummet again and again. And besides, she said she wanted to speak to me, and she still hasn't.”
”Well, neither of you haven't exactly had the time,” Rowan wryly replied with a frown. ”The Halloween Feast wasn't that long ago, and then there's the first Quidditch match to consider that will be held this Saturday, Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. You know she's been busy with all the first years, and transfer students. I've heard some of the tales from Lupin, and believe me, I'll take our poisonous bunch over their almost suicidal lions, who lack all common sense.”
Severus makes a grunting sound before Rowan reaches over and gently tugs on one of his locks of hair. Severus grudgingly leans into his twin's touch, before leaning away. Rowan flashes her twin a crooked grin, before rising to her feet. ”C'mon, we've got a meeting which to get to.”
Severus makes a face at his twin as he follows after Rowan. ”I bet you a Honeyduke's bar that it's an invitation to one of his Slug Club meetings.”
”That would be a fool's bet,” Rowan grumbled as they made their way out into the chilly, early morning, desolated dungeons. She shivered and tugged her fur-lined cloak that much closer around her. She knew she had forgotten something that morning, her scarf. The only good thing about being up at this hour is that she had ample time to return to the dormitories and retrieve them.
It was exactly six o'clock sharp when Severus knocked on the closed door to Professor Slughorn's quarters. The door instantly opens to reveal the pudgy figure of Slughorn wearing a striped, fluffy bed robe, thick wool slippers, and a cozy nightcap on his head to keep his even balder head warm. Strangely enough, his strawberry-colored mustache is perfectly brushed out.
Slughorn's gooseberry-colored eyes beam at them as he says, ”Come right in, Prefects Prince.”
The two of them enter Slughorn's office as the door closes shut behind them. Slughorn waddles back to his desk where his vast collection of photographs moves around or sleepily yawn awake. Lowering his large bulk into his thick velvet armchair he rests his feet on the small velvet pouffe peeking out from under his desk.
Rowan and Severus don't take a seat before him despite his gesture for them to take a seat. Clearing his throat, Slughorn says, ”I must say, I am delighted by both of your efforts in taking care of the first years and maintain order. But what else can be expected of Slytherin's descendants being a credit to their forefather's house.”
Slughorn winked at them causing both of the twins' expressions to further darken. With her lips twitching into a sneer, Rowan manages to maintain a neutral expression. ”Sir, is there a reason we have been summoned quite so early this morning? As far as I am aware, Severus and I have enacted all our duties including patrolling as per schedule nor have we received any complaints.” Oh, there had been complaints but not that the protesting students in question could protest about the fact that Rowan seemed to find them wherever they were hiding at.
Slughorn winks again causing Severus's lips to twitch dangerously. With a pleased expression, Slughorn says, ”I shall be hosting a small dinner in two to three weeks. I have invited a few friends over. I know that they would simply be delighted to meet with both of you.”
The temperature in the room slightly drops but Slughorn seems to have failed to notice the icy atmosphere around the twins. In a frigid voice, Rowan says, ”Sir, we are honored but we have a previous engagement on that day.”
Slughorn wilts slightly before saying, ”But surely at least one of you can attend?”
Severus and Rowan both share a silent, pointed conversation. Severus narrowed his eyes that screamed, ”I went last time, you're up.”
Rowan arches her brow that screams, ”Fine, but this is all your fault since you are one of Slug Club members.”