Chapter 636 - New Associates Ⅲ (1/2)
However, Dumbledore does not go into any more details despite all of them turning to stare at him hoping for more words on the grave subject. Rather Dumbledore abruptly changed the topic. ”We shall not be meeting for some time until the new Order Headquarters are in place. I believe that the Hogs Head Inn has served us long enough but is a security risk. I shall send word when everything is ready. Is there anything else that is to be mentioned?”
”Well, there is something that needs to be mentioned,” Benjy Fetwick slowly said. They all turn to glance at the young wizard in question. ”I've noticed that Runcorn has been working rather closely with Dolores Umbridge despite her having been demoted to the lowest rung within her department.”
”I suspected as much,” Doge smugly declared. ”Runcorn was being far too quiet as of late. However, Umbridge holds no power for him to use whatsoever. I've made sure of that.”
Fetwick privately winced and stiffly says, ”That may very well be the case, but that still does not explain what Runcorn is doing with her.”
Kingsley Shacklebolt wisely observed, ”If Runcorn shares sympathies with the Dark Lord than given that line of reasoning Umbridge does as well. But the better question is what exactly does Umbridge have to offer?”
”Oh, I know why,” Caradoc Dearborn unknowingly muttered out loud.
Everyone's eyes turn to gaze upon the poor nervous young man. Wild-eyed with eyes darting everywhere, Dearborn trembles like a tiny fawn. Fetwick pats his friend on the back comfort and motions for him to speak.
Quivering like a leaf in the wind, Dearborn in a trembling voice said, ”Dolores Umbridge is a half-blood, but more importantly her father was Orford Umbridge, a low-level worker in the Department of Magical Maintenance.”
Dearborn paused to gather his breath and courage. ”Umbridge made her father retire early in her career and is infamously known for making unpleasant things happen to anyone who has ever asked about Orford Umbridge.”
Swallowing to take another breath, Dearborn croaked, ”However, in the past Orford Umbridge was in charge of cleaning the old tunnels beneath the Ministry of Magic. Forbidden from access to anyone without authority and is not even known to most Ministry members, but without a doubt, Orford Umbridge must have told his daughter, Dolores Umbridge. Umbridge no doubt knows exactly how to go enter and use those old tunnels.”
There is a gasp of air as Alastor revaluates the paper and pusher, Caradoc Dearborn. A weakling, maybe, but a rather useful one at that. He'd have to give Dumbledore credit when he was due. The Headmaster knew a useful pawn when he spotted one.
”Then we will have to ensure that the wards on the tunnels are not broken into,” Doge loudly said. ”I personally know a few members within the Magical Maintenance department that can keep an eye on the tunnels if asked. I'll ensure that they're daily checked at least if not at twice.” Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #%!d(string=14576125306898605)/new-associates-%E2%85%B2_%!d(string=50676829253598856) for visiting.
Dumbledore nods in approval of one problem is resolved. ”Then that shall be it for now. Be safe and careful and leave in no more than pairs of two.”
The newest Order members naturally team up, Marlene McKinnon with Dorcas Meadows, Kingsley Shacklebolt with Sturgis Podmore, and Benjy Fetwick with Caradoc Dearborn. Everyone else departs with their usual partner, the Bones Brothers, Fabian accompanying the lovely Emmaline, and Gideon with Alastor Moody.
With the last of the Order members, gone footsteps can be heard as someone climbs up the creaky stairs. Dumbledore turns to face the door only to see his younger much cleaner and neatly-haired brother.
Aberforth snorts at seeing his older brother and says, ”I say, finally, good riddance. I take it that you've found a secure place for the Order, Albus?”
”I have Aberforth,” Albus quietly replied. ”Thank you for having permitted the Order's Headquarters to be temporarily hosted on the premise.”
Aberforth sneered, ”T'was not for you.”
”I know,” Albus muttered. ”Still I am immensely grateful to your doing so.”
Aberforth's lips twitch with a frown as he says, ”And what of the Giant's, Albus? Surely you will not just wait until they attack?”
”No, but the Ministry will not act without proof,” Albus declared. ”However, I will send word to the magical creatures via the Goblins. They will ensure the message is conveyed and at any sighting, they will report to the Goblins.”
”How unusual,” Aberforth mumbled.
”What is?”
”You are being prudent for once. For sure, I thought you'd wait in your castle-like every other time until the enemy was at that moat. Who would have ever thought that the pride of Gryffindor, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, would finally learn? But even more surprising, you have even heeded my advice on Mundungus. Demons in Hell must be skating on ice as we speak.”
Albus frowned a bit at his younger brother's words but did not rise to the gambit. And instead merely said, ”Take care of yourself, Aberforth.”
”I always have,” Aberforth spat back. ”I trust that you know the way out?”
Albus nods, before briskly walking past him and down the stairs. Aberforth hears the door slam down below as his lips curl with a bit of satisfaction. Sighing he makes his way to his living room. The blond, blue-eyed girl in the portrait hanging above the mantle blinks and looks at him.