Chapter 627 - The Third Harvest Moon Ⅶ (1/2)

A Bend in Time EsliEsma 30870K 2022-07-25

The moon is dim, and the night is dark with long, stirring shadows within the confines of the Forbidden Forest. A thick coverage of clouds hides the night stars leaving only darkness behind. A cool brisk breeze rustles the leaves bringing with it the scent of the storm to come. In the distance, a flash of lightning can be seen brightening the entire sky, before the surroundings are once more plunged into darkness. A loud burst of thunder can be heard rumbling overhead in the distance as the fierce storm steadily approaches.

The robes of an older more grayed, and worn Marcellus flicker about him, but there he stands firmly with his wand in hand. From the shadows slowly emerged a row of hooded figures that are led by a masked figure that is unhooded. Despite the dim moonlight, the visage of a white, stone can be seen. The pale stone mask is made in the image in the stern face that of Zeus. The eyeholes are dark and empty even as the masked figure peers out to see.

The stone masked figure of Zeus comes to a halt as the dozens of figures following come to a halt in exact unison. The older and weary figure of Marcellus's lips twitch into a sneer as he says, ”Come to gloat, have you?”

”Naturally,” the stone masked figure of Zeus gloated with great mockery, ”Merlin has been defeated by Morgana, and the witch herself lays upon her deathbed. Merlin's precious Camelot destroys itself as we speak. Its muggle ruler, King Arthur, and his kingdom lay in shambles. He has been cruelly betrayed by his Queen Guinevere with the one he calls a friend and sworn brother, Lancelot. War wages as we speak, and he will fall for it has been foretold at the hands of his son, born out of a night's vile, and twisted deed with that of his half-sister, Morgana LaFey, and subsequently his own nephew out of wedlock by the name of Mordred.”

”Merlin painted Arthur in such a great glorious and heroic light, but I am afraid, dear merlin was rather naïve. Mm, he forgot the natural greed of man, and Arthur was for from an exception.” The stone masked figure of Zeus paused and with great relish adds, ”And to my even greater delight, the last of the Founders have finally succ.u.mbed to their death. And Hogwarts will FALL.”

Marcellus narrowed his eyes and raised his wand. ”Hogwarts will never fall into your hands, abomination. To arms!” Marcellus roared as a slew of arrows rained from the forbidden forest as the centaurs hiding in wait attacked upon a signal from the Headmaster.

”What manner of deceit is this?” The stone masked figure of Zeus hissed as he defended himself with a glowing shield charm, but some of those that stood behind him are not quick enough to shield in time and fell to the deadly, poisoned arrows of the centaurs and were slain.

”You have allied yourself with half-breed beasts, Marcellus? My, my, how the lowly have fallen,” the stone masked figure of Zeus mocked as he turned his wand to attack the centaurs, and the shield around him disappeared. ”Vermillious Duo!” A jet of red sparks emerged from his wand and attacks the centaurs. Tree bits are blasted off, but the canopy of trees protect the centaurs from the wizard's attack.

The stone masked figure of Zeus growls in annoyance as Marcellus loudly says, ”Your taint cannot touch them nor any who is descended of those who you call half-breed beasts. 'Arresto Momentum!” The spell successfully hit the stone masked figure of Zeus and slowed his movements down. However, the rest of the hooded figures attack the centaurs.

The centaur's wave of attacks begins to falter, and Marcellus can see that the stone masked figure of Zeus will soon break free of the spell. ”Leonidas!” Marcellus cried out as the centaurs began to retreat further into the Forbidden Forest being pushed back by the wave of the hooded attackers as the hooded figures begin to cast fiery spells and set the trees ablaze as storm gusts only cause the fiery embers to fly high overhead and begin to set other trees ablaze.

”Aguamenti!” Marcellus shouted a blue flash emerges from his wand and the conjured water douses the burning trees preventing the flames from spreading and setting the entire forest ablaze.