Chapter 612 - Properties of Runes Ⅱ (1/1)

A Bend in Time EsliEsma 33710K 2022-07-25

Turning back to face her class, Professor Babbling continues, ”As Miss Crowley just explained that merfolk can't wield wands. And merfolk in fact possess their own inherent magical abilities like all magical creatures, but these abilities are not many nor as powerful as spells. As such, those like the merpeople and other similar sentient magical creatures found another means to wield magic via runes. To this very day sentient magical creatures, such as centaur's and others still wield magical runes.

These runes are typically forged by the strongest magical creature in their tribe or group commonly known as a Shaman. The shaman will mostly inscribe runes on stones used for protection or wards. These runes are powerful in their own right, but more than often have limited usage, unlike our wands. That, and where we can immediately cast a spell with our wand, a shaman must carefully chisel the rune in stone, which may even take many days to many months depending on the carved rune. And that is also the reason, why the usage of runes among wizards and witches has all but died out. That is not to say that it is still not commonly used in some respects such as jewelry or warding, but not in every day to day life usage. Are there any questions?”

Rowan pursed her lips in thought. That did in fact explain why spells did not work underneath the surface of the water. But there were exceptions such as when she fished Terry out from underneath. However, that being said the spell had been cast above the lake not while in the lake. As such the magic extended from the surface of the lake downward and remained connected to the surface found above the water.

Though a part of her did wonder if it would make a difference if she cast the spell in Mermish? But Rowan quickly shook her head in reply. The issue wasn't speaking in Mermish, but rather the earth element found within wands that were naturally rejected by the water elements. The likely result, in the end, would be that the wand or spell cast might work to some extent, but not enough to be of use due to the elements being in constant contradiction of each other.

Rowan's thoughts are interrupted by the malicious voice of Hortense Sicca, (the betrothed of Gil Goyle, and mother of a certain Gregory Goyle). The gaunt fifth-year girl's murky hair is plastered as always to her skull as she loftily says, ”But Professor only PRIMITIVE SOCIETIES or LESSER CREATURES continue to use Runes. I don't see why we must learn about the rune usage of said beings.”

Gertrude Fowl, a bloated faced girl with sausage sized curled hair snickers loudly in glee, (the betrothed of Vern Crabbe, and future mother of Crabbe). While Quyen Crowley looks away as if she had nothing to do with her two acquaintances. She did not consider the two girls' friends anymore, but they had been together since their first year, and she was a Slytherin. A proper Slytherin never threw away a connection because one never knows when they might just need it!

Professor Babbling arches her brows at the Slytherin girl and says, ”Miss Sicca, and Miss Fowl, two points each from Slytherin for impertinence,” causing both girl's faces to darken in dislike. ”And in response to your question, Miss Sicca, Ancient Runes are still used to this day in artifacts used to carry spells, warding, and spell matrix. Indeed, it is a less used commodity nowadays, but it is still a vital part of wizarding society. That and many ancient manuscripts containing rare spells, and lost arts which are written in ancient runes. And that would truly be a crime worth punishing for if said knowledge was forever lost to us.”

Hortense Sicca folds her arms over her chest and begins to sulk, while Gertrude Fowl scowls at Professor Babbling. Quyen continues to pretend that she is not there, while Professor Babbling stops herself from rolling her eyes in exasperation. Slytherin's, Merlin help her!

Glancing around to ensure that there are no more questions, Professor Babbling instructs them. ”Everyone please pull out three-round, smooth stones in the color of your choice that should have been purchased at the start of the school year. Please ensure that whichever three stones are chosen, they must be all uniform color, white only or black only.”

Rowan reaches into her school bag and pulls out a small pouch that contains specialized rune stones. She carefully picks out three black stones, before closing the small stone pouch shut, and slipping it back into her school bag. Turning to the side, she peeks at Abbott's stones to find that they are three smooth white stones.

Andrew catches Rowan peeking at stones and winks. ”I wanted blue stones, but they were all out of them. It was this or Slytherin green,” he said with a shudder that caused Rowan to snicker in reply.

The chatter that had started quickly dies down at a pointed look from Professor Babbling as everyone waits for her to speak. ”Today, I will show you how to intricately carve runes and channel rudimentary magic into them. From now on until the winter holiday's we shall carve at least one rune during every single class period. At the end of the semester, you shall all turn in your runes to be graded. They will be graded on rune carving techniques, magical spell work, and efficiency.

However, that being said, I will only grade twelve rune stones for each of you. Please choose carefully which runes you will present at the time to be given a final grade for. After which, we shall continue with one rune carving every other class period. Rune carving will be the physical portion of the final O.W.L. exam, while rune translation will be the essay portion of your O.W.L.'s. I forewarn you of the upmost importance of rune carving, and the need to practice with care.”

There is a muffled groan from a good portion of the class, while the rest of the classroom have looks of despairs on their faces with Rowan being part of the latter group despite her interest in the subject. Not for the last time, she cursed her endless list of Prefect duties, and solemnly vowed to kill Slughorn and Dumbledore should they try to offer her the Head Girl position in her seventh year. She would rather go to Azkaban than go through the present Hell she was going through.

Professor Babbling sets a rather large red-colored stone on the podium for the entire class to see. Pointing her wand, she says, ”Diffindo,” the severing/cutting charm. There was a carving spell that worked a tad better, ”Defodio,” but that had yet to be taught by Professor Flitwick until sixth-year Charms.

Professor Babbling carefully cuts the stone until she halts the spell with a flick of her wand. There impeccably carved into the rather large red stone is the upright rune of Ansuz symbolizing aid, growth, solutions, success, and creativity. It a subtle manner for Professor Babbling to wish her students luck and wellbeing throughout the year.

”Are there any questions?” Professor Babbling asked as a slew of hands went up.

For the rest of the class Professor Babbling explained how to slowly pour magic into the rune, whilst not destroying said rune nor allowing the magic to escape. Overall, it was a rather exhausting class as many overpoured their magic into the rune leaving them weak. While others did not pour enough and were left with magicless runes. And the last group simply had a difficult time neatly carving the runes. Some of these students cut all the way through the stone and into the desk or other's too afraid to do so barely scratched the surface of the stone.

Unfortunately, Rowan was a member of the last group. Because her magic was not only powerful, but volatile, it made such a delicate exercise extremely difficult to complete. Either she did not pour enough power to scratch the surface of the stone or poured in too much which caused her to cut into her desk and shatter the stone into pieces.

By the end of the classroom period, everyone had a grump expression on their faces even the Hufflepuffs. The irony of the situation was that Professor Babbling seemed a lot much cheerful. It must be because misery loves company.