Chapter 578 - Ducklings (1/2)
Thankfully, Charms went much better with Professor Flitwick, who had them doing color-changing charms. They were to change the color of the items before them into the color they wanted. However, not before Professor Flitwick spent the first fifteen minutes of the lesson lecturing the class on the importance of their upcoming O.W.L.'s.
”What you must remember,” said Professor Flitwick squeakily, perched on his regular pile of books to see over the top of his desk, ”is that these examinations may influence your futures for many years to come. If you have not already given serious thought to your careers, now is the time to do so. And in the meantime, I am afraid, we shall be working harder than ever to ensure that you all do yourselves justice!”
Then they spent half an hour reviewing Summoning Charms, which according to Professor Flitwick were bound to come up in their O.W.L., and then he assigned them their largest amount of Charms homework EVER. It even made Severus and Rowan wince in pain and dread at the sheer amount.
Still, the lesson ended on a positive note as Professor Flitwick had Rowan and Severus demonstrate the color-changing charm before the class, and later assigning them more homework to the already given outsource. At this rate, none of the fifth years would even have a minute to spare much less Rowan and Severus!
Having been given a break for the last remaining portion of the class, Rowan began to instantly work on their newly assigned Ancient Studies Essay, while Professor Flitwick wandered around the classroom. He really did not comment on Rowan's actions given that she and Severus had both amply performed the charm to perfection. There was not much for either of them to do during this class period. And not that he minded as long as they quietly studied.
Once the less was over, with a loud groan, Rowan wandered off to retrieve the first years and take them down to the Great Hall for lunch. The first years yawn sleepily as they rub the sleep from their eyes. More than one first-year had succ.u.mbed to the warm classroom atmosphere, but thankfully, Master Strass class of History of Magic was so interesting that the first years did not fall asleep despite feeling sleepy.
Stopping at the entrance of the Great Hall, Rowan says, ”Now, all of you can go sit with your friends. When it is time to leave, I will be standing at the entrance, and wait for all of you to go and grab your textbooks, before taking all of you to Charms. Now run along now.”
More than two-thirds of the first years rush off to sit with waving friends at other tables. While the remaining third follows Rowan back to the Slytherin table and take their seats. Severus was already eating when she sat down next to him. Terry and the girls were sitting at the Gryffindor table like they usually did.
Glancing around Rowan easily spotted Terry and Lupin conversing rather animatedly about some sort of subject. While Bethanie, Silvia, and Tiffany were chatting with Lily, Willa, and Mary. It seemed like everything was normal except that Pettigrew was sitting next to Lupin and Terry. While James was sitting firmly on the other side of Sirius.
Shaking her head as it was not her problem to resolve, Rowan returns to eating lunch. After a bite full of food, Rowan says, ”So, what will you be doing during your free period?”
”Beyond grabbing the first years, you mean?” Severus mumbled. ”I'll be working on my essay as instructed too.”
Rowan merely arches her brow and says, ”You haven't made up with Lily yet?”
Severus stiffens and quietly replies, ”I think it might take a bit more time than I initially thought. It isn't quite as easy to remain, friends, as I previously thought.”
Rowan nods her head in understanding and says, ”Either way, you know that I'll always pick you over Lily, right?”
”I know,” Severus flashed her a faint grin. ”And thanks.”
Rowan nods until she realizes that a bunch of girls eying Severus with hearts in their eyes. ”Well, if all comes to worst, just know, you have options,” Rowan snickered pointing at the girls observing them.
Severus makes a wary face and says, ”Believe me, I've already been asked out half a d dozen times at least.”