Chapter 571 - Not Slytherin! Ⅱ (1/2)
With the applause having faded away, Professor Dumbledore steadily continues with the introductions, ”Professor Manzil Snipe, our permanent staff member and replacing Professor Flitwick as the Professor for Gobbledegook.”
The students stare at the short wizard, who was sitting next to Professor Flitwick. The wizard with sleeked back hair, sly eyes, and a sharp hooked nose bowed to them. The students politely clap as well, though there are looks on dismay on the faces of some of the Gobbledegook students. They would miss Professor Flitwick as their goblin language professor, and there was no telling if the new teacher would be any good. The clapping fades away as Professor Snipe sits back down.
”Master Strauss will be replacing Professor Bines as the Professor for History of Magic, and possess a dual mastery in History of Magic, and Care of Magical Creatures. We are honored to have him with us.”
There is a burst of cheers from the Ravenclaws at long last having an actual professor for History of Magic and not a ghost! While the students clap, they all study the tanned, scholarly looking man that flashes them a good-natured smile.
”In addition, there will be some fairly new changes with the following Professors,” Dumbledore solemnly explained. ”Please do not be frightened, but I do wish for all of you to be aware of the new situation.” More than a few students stare warily up at the Headmaster as they wait.
”Allow me to introduce, Professor Benjamin Buchanan,” Dumbledore said as whispers suddenly feel the room as students recognize the name. They all crane their necks to glance at the possible descendant of Angus Buchanan, the famous Scottish rugby player.
”Professor Buchanan is indeed related to who you are all thinking about, but please withhold your whispered conversations,” Dumbledore pointedly said with a twinkle in his eye, before continuing, ”Professor Buchanan is indeed a squib, and I expect all of you to respect him. He will be teaching the new and required course for all first and second years, Wizarding Etiquette and culture for all muggleborn students.”
There are blank expressions from new muggleborn students, while the wizarding first years and second years look on with smug expressions. However, Dumbledore's next words wipe those expressions off their faces, ”At which juncture allow me to introduce, Professor Elias Murphy, muquib. And the newest Professor of Muggle Studies, who will be teaching muggle etiquette and culture to all wizarding children first and second years.”
The smug expressions disappear from the first and second years' faces as the students stare with open curiosity at the muquib. Professor Murphy is a ginger with a good smarting of freckles and round glasses. However, he remained calm at the student's expressions and sits down upon the clapping fading away.
”The following four Professors that will be introduced will teach the first through fourth years from now on said subjects,” Dumbledore explained as the older students wisely nodded their heads in understanding as to why. With so many students, who were the Head of Houses to fulfill their duties and teach?
”Professor Norman Hopkins is the lower years Transfiguration Professor.”
Much like Professor McGonagall, he appeared to be a meticulous looking with a strict demeanor. However, Professor Hopkins had a rather large cleft chin and heavily gelled hair.
”Professor Eponine Mortimer is the lower years Potions Professor.”