Chapter 540 - Prefect Notice (1/2)

A Bend in Time EsliEsma 30390K 2022-07-25

Days after the conversation with her grandfather, Rowan is in the study, before lunchtime, researching on how to use alchemy to combine a magical plant to produce said required desires. The in-depth analysis and research of Nicholas Flamel is absolutely fascinating and breathtaking brilliant. She had to give the old wizard his credit, he was a thousand times more brilliant then anyone she knew.

While she read, Severus and their grandfather, Reginald were amid experimenting on an alchemy formula. If it worked in combination with grandfather's lifetime research in potions. Grandfather aimed to create a better cure to the fatal disease known to all wizards, Dragon Pox. Not that the cure did not already exist, but it was imperfect and did not tend to work on the young or on the old. And better yet grandfather would like to be remembered in history for his own achievements causing Severus to be that much more confident in his own work.

Not that Rowan had not helped. She had already changed the Herbology portion for them to create a stronger and better result. Not that she could not help work on the chemical formula, but she had her own research to purse. But every now and then, she would rise from her chair and aid them in the chemical portion of the formula towards a new path. So far, they had not any success, but who knows, maybe the 666th experiment would be the charm.

Then again, Severus still had Felix Felicis potion that he had earned from Master Linneaus for his extraordinary brewing during the C.S.A.E potion exam. However, from the brief conversation with Severus and her grandfather, despite perhaps, being able to solve said issue the potion. The problem would be replicating the results as it was would quite literally be a fluke of luck. And therefore, there was no telling what exactly had caused the potion to be a success.

It was far better to work slowly and be able to categorize each step and be able to repeat the experiment than to never being able to again. That and it would irk Reginald and Severus to no end. They had their pride to think of.

A puff of smoke later was the confirmation, Rowan did not even glance up as she heard their combined frustrated sighs. Experiment number 666th was a failure as well. Well, there was always next time.

Dawn eagerly bursts in and waits as the adorable Ladley toddles in holding two thick letters from Hogwarts. Ladley flashes them his tiny baby elf teeth as Rowan and Severus instantly walk over to gently them from the excited house elf toddler. ”Thank you,” they both said in unison.

”Welcoome,” Ladley proudly grinned as Rowan leaned over to briefly tickle him under his chin earning a happy giggle. Dawn happily popped away with her son and was going to give him a treat for being so well behaved! She was just so proud!

Rowan opens her envelope and peers inside and pulls out the letter. There was not anything to note other than needing to purchase the next book installment for Charms, The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 5 by Miranda Goshawk. She was about to toss the envelope away when she noticed that there was a second letter inside.

With a sickly feeling in her stomach, Rowan opens the second envelope as she hears Severus's cry of delight and surprise in the background.

”Dear Miss Prince,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to serve as Prefect for Slytherin House. Your school record show that you have exhibited resourcefulness, ambition, and sheer cunning in the face of strenuous situations. The ambition and determination shown as well as leadership characteristics is exactly what the Slytherin house is lauded for.

We are absolutely certain that you will continue to be a model for your peers and will take your new responsibilities seriously. Enclosed please find your Prefects Badge, which should always be worn on your school robes along with your Apprenticeship badge. Congratulations!
