Chapter 524 - The Apothecary Ⅳ (1/2)
At the edge of a murky, muddy bog, a group of three wizards appear carrying their stunned, but glaring captive, Damocles Belby. They had apparated more than ten times to lose any possible tracker's, before heading to their destination. Damocles limbs and mouth are bound, but he wrinkles his nose at the strong bog scent permeating in the evening air. This far north the evening shadows are longer and darker than at Diagon Alley.
At the edge of the bog is an old abandoned shack as the leader, a crooked nosed wizard with a hard face and straw thatch like hair kicks open the door, and enters the dusty, old hut with his wand held high. ”We're good, boys. Bring 'em in,” Erie-Sticky Fingers instructed his fellow criminal counterparts.
One-eyed Joey spits on the ground in vile glee, while Sweet-Tooth flashes a yellow tooth rotted smile. Damocles cannot even struggle as he curses his wrathfully curses his captors in his mind and can only warily watch his captor's and memorize their features as best as he can. It was the only thing that he could do in this desperate and unexpected situation as his wand had been taken.
One-eyed Joey and Sweet-Tooth dump their captive onto an old, torn sofa that has most of its stuffing bleeding out of mold covered holes. A puff of dust, grime, and mold like smell is released as Damocles is thrown onto the old, hard, stiff cough. He rapidly blinks his eyes as dust and grime, and Merlin knows, what else flies up into the air and around him.
Not a complete fool, Erie says, ”We will take turns watching the captive and keeping a look out for anyone suspicious. The Belby's should have already received the ransom note, and ought to be gathering the galleons. Come this time tomorrow, boy's, we'll be rich, and living in the West Indies.”
The three men cackle wickedly as One-eyed Joey winks with his one good eye and theatrically whispers, ”And what about the fat catch?”
Erie sneers viciously and casts a cold look at the figure of Belby. ”We can���t have Belby tattling to the Auror's, can we know? We'll make sure to get rid of him, and even 'em, bloody wolves won't even find a single fragment of his corpse.”
”Right, boss,” One-eyed Joey said as Sweet-Tooth shared his greedy expression at the thought of riches, never mind the premeditated murder.
Damocles body shakes with laughter causing the three wizards to turn and face them. ”What scared?” Erie mocked his captive as he pointed his wand at his captive to remove the gag over Damocles Belby's mouth.
”I found myself profoundly amused at the depths of your sheer incompetency,” Damocles plainly taunted his captors.
”What was that?” Erie growled as his grip on his wand grew tighter. ”Care to repeat that Belby?”
”Are you deaf now too?” Damocles sneered back. ”But I suppose given the ill nature of the company I am in; I should not be so surprised-,” but before he can continue Erie harshly slaps Damocles across the face leaving a burning bright red handprint across his face.
”I will not be mocked,” Erie hissed. ”Now, either say something useful or remain silent, Belby. Remember, who is in charge here, and I do not need a living hostage. Are we clear?”