Chapter 464 - Acolytes Ⅳ (1/2)

A Bend in Time EsliEsma 27900K 2022-07-25

Keeping his face blank despite the news, Reginald further pried into the subject. ”Which was what exactly, MacDuff? Do not tell me that Gellert was inclined to such perversions with mere boys that would be low even for his perverse s.e.x.u.a.l inclinations.”

The two other Acolytes make faces at Reginald's words, but even they would have to admit that would be a stain across the reputation of Gellert Grindelwald. Could such a perversion truly be hidden? Why yes when one has the wealth and means to do so.

Seeing the three faces staring impatiently at him, MacDuff smirked, and said, ”Patience, old friends,” before continuing with his tale. ”The muggle boy was not the first boy that had been brought to Gellert. At first, I thought that it was some sort of perverted or s.e.x.u.a.l driven fetish, but in each case, Gellert met with a muggle child for only a few minutes, before having them killed. This continued for several months before there were more children left to be brought before him. When I subtly inquired, Gellert replied with, 'It was for the greater good, but it is, in fact, impossible for the muggle lines to be redeemed.” And paused, before adding, ”That was the last of them, there will be no more.”

There is another pause of silence as Krafft in disbelief whispers, ”Than Gellert was trying to purify the muggle lines?”

”It is possible,” MacDuff acknowledged with a shrug of his shoulders. ”I cannot claim to know Gellert's thought process, but what I do know is that there were no more children brought in after that.”

”And what exactly was Gellert's true purpose?” Reginald grumbled with a mixed feeling of relief.

MacDuff snickers, ”After Geller's imprisonment in 1926, I was sent to retrieve some journals and destroy them. And I did destroy them all, however, I missed a single scrap of paper. What I found was this simple journal entry, 'Muggle Subject: #2, Successful, the fetus survived the magical infusion. Male child born in 1910, London. Age: 4, determined to be a squib. Conclusion: destroy the subject. Result: child unaccounted for and is believed to have perished during the muggle war in an attack on London in May of 1915.”

Reginald's heart stiffens for one exact painful moment, but he still manages to maintain his composure in the face of such news. The muggle child known as Toby Snape was born in the year of 1910 in London, England. During the first muggle great war, the child had been orphaned and sent to an orphanage in the countryside. And later at the tender age of sixteen, Toby Snape was wed and a mere year later, Tobias Snape was born.

As much as he did not wish to admit it, but the timeline fits perfectly. Toby Snape was somehow the child of Gellert Grindelwald. And the words of MacDuff only served to further prove just as to how Grindelwald's bloodline had appeared in the twins. It was all because of Gellert's foul experimentation for the greater good, of course.

”Why the sudden curiosity?” MacDuff sharply asked piercing through Reginald's inner thoughts.

”There was a child that I saw many years back that greatly resembled Gellert,” Reginald replied with a mixture of truth and lies. ”I was so very astonished that the image stayed with me all these years until now. But as you have just stated, MacDuff, all of the children were killed and as such it must simply be pure coincidence and nothing else.”

MacDuff nods his head, before saying, ”Well, I am glad that I could be of help, Prince.”

Reginald nods, before rising to his feet as if to turn away, before MacDuff says, ”Though I am told that those grandchildren of yours are quite clever.”