Chapter 458 - Break Up (1/2)

A Bend in Time EsliEsma 37110K 2022-07-25

Their wardrobes were empty, trunks packed, and the usual reminder handed out, warning them not to use magic over the summer holidays. The note is expressively not handed out to Rowan and Severus by Professor Slughorn. Since both of them were apprentices they were permitted to use magic according to their master. And since the headmaster was their master, no doubt they'd be using their magic all summer long.

Rowan, Terry, and Severus were waiting by the front entrance. The air was warm and carried the scent of summer in the air. Flowers are blooming everywhere, and life just seemed to be teeming with energy.

Rowan glances up to spot Jean Delacour hurrying up the stone steps into the castle. Beyond him, far across the grounds, Hagrid helps Madam Maxime back two of the gigantic horses into their harness. The Beauxbatons carriage is about to take off.

The short form of Jean hurries over to them as his little pointed beard looks better than at the start of the year. It was almost suave looking, to be honest. But then again, it might just have grown on Rowan much as Jean had. She truly did consider him a friend.

”Rowan! I 'ave wanted to zay goodbye!” Jean said as he reached out to shake her hand. ”You are a good friend. I am 'oping dat when I and Apolline,” Jean paused to blush. ”When we marry, we 'ope dat you may come.”

”I'd be honored too,” Rowan said with a sincere smile. ”But only if it's during winter or summer break.”

”I 'ope too!” Jean giggled in his deep voice, before placing a kiss on Rowan's hand and bowing. ”It waz an 'onor, mon aime,” Jean said, before rushing away.

Rowan smiles as Severus gruffly says, ”You better not be thinking cheating on your boyfriend. Break up with him first.”

”Jean was just being polite,” Rowan said as she rolled her eyes. ”He's madly in love with Apolline for heaven's sake!”

Terry rolls his eyes as he merely opens the carriage door and waits for them to climb aboard. With a laugh, they watched the first years be rowed across the lake as they recalled the first year's arrival. They shuddered and muttered, that they were lucky that the first years didn't drown this year as their small sailboats capsized from the wind and the waves.

One musty carriage ride later, Severus, Terry, and Rowan were at the Hogsmeade platform. They made their way onto the Hogwarts Express as they choose a compartment and sat down. Terry and Severus were a bit gloomy as they chatted together. Unlike the previous summers, the two boys knew that they were going be punished the moment they got home. Whatever happened was their own fault after all. If it had taught them anything was don't get caught.

Soon enough, the Hogwarts Express was once more on its way chugging down the tracks. Soon enough the lady with the cart rolled by and not long after a knock at the door caused them to glance up in surprise to see a messy dark-haired, hazel-eyed young man with round spectacles, James Potter. James smiles and says, ”A word, Rowan?”

Rowan rolls her eyes and stuffs a chocolate frog into her mouth. ”If the two of you eat my stuff, I swear I'll kidnap Alchemy!”

Terry glares at her and throws the idea right out of his mind. He couldn't give up his precious child. Alchemy was the only one who still loved him!

Rowan closes the compartment door and swallows as she licks her lips clean. ”So, what's wrong?” She asked as she followed him further down the corridor to talk.

”I'm going to confess to Lily over summer,” James nervously said as he glanced up at her to confirm her reaction.

”Alright,” Rowan calmly replied with a bit of sadness. If Severus was going to lose Lily, it was better it was now rather than later. He'd at least have all summer long to be heartbroken.

”Just let me know in order to give Severus a chance as well,” Rowan solemnly said after the pause.

”I will,” James said as he ran his hand through his hair in relief. ”Anyway, any suggestions.”

”Nope, I told you, I wouldn't help either of you,” Rowan smirked.

”But you're the only girlfriend, I know!” James said to only see Rowan burst out in laughter.

James hears the words in his ears and sighs, ”That's not funny. You know what I meant.”

”Mm, if you say,” Rowan is unable to hide the dancing mirth in her eyes.

James snorts and says, ”Bloody Slytherins.”

Rowan flashes James a wolfish smile, ”I've got Hufflepuff and Gryffindor in me as well.”

James rolls his eyes and says, ”I can never win, can I?”