Chapter 424 - Society for the Support of Squibs Ⅱ (1/2)

A Bend in Time EsliEsma 27450K 2022-07-25

With more squibs arriving, Argus and Arabella cease to chatter and watch the arriving familiar families. Most of the squibs are old and familiar faces, but as of late that are many newer faces of youths and children being brought by their parents or guardians. With the latest Ministry education act and employment reform squibs finally had hope for the future. As such, the Society for the Support of Squibs was subtly gaining more power and traction within the wizarding world.

”Excuse us, is this seat taken?” Asked a rather young female voice.

Argus and Arabella whirled around to see two golden-haired young women with vibrant blue eyes and rather flashing white smiles. ”Of course not, my dears, please have a seat,” Arabella gestured to them causing some cat hairs to flutter off from her tea and land into her teacup. Not that she noticed as she took a sip of tea right after.

”Thank you, Ma'am,” the two girls said as they quickly took a seat.

Seeing the girls glancing rather apprehensively around, Argus decides to intervene. ”I'm Argus Filch, and this here is Miss Arabella Doreen Fig.”

”Hello,” the two girls said, before the older of the two said, ”I'm Pauline Lockhart, and I'm sixteen years old.”

”I'm Sophie Lockhart, and fifteen years old,” the young girl added with a bright white smile that revealed the dimples that she and her younger brother shared.

”Since you're squib, my dears, where is your mother and father?” Arabella asked as she glanced around for their parents.

Sophie cautiously glances at her year older sister, Pauline, who calmly replies, ”Our dad is a muggle, but he's working late this evening. And as for our mother, she's a witch, but she stayed home with our younger brother, Gilderoy Lockhart.”

”He has magic,” Sophie softly chimed in. ”He'll be starting at Hogwarts the upcoming school term.”

”Oh,” Arabella and Argus lamely replied with acute understanding. There is always a difference in treatment between magical children and non-magical children for wizarding parents. But from the sound of it, both girls were in better shape than most as they were half-bloods, and their father, a muggle would surely not mind his daughters not having inherited their mother's magic.

Pauline does not seem all dejected by that fact as she proudly lifts her head and says, ”Sophie and I attend a public muggle school. But when dad heard that there was a school in the wizarding world accepting us, he asked that we should definitely attend. Dad is a financial consultant and he said that there will surely be more opportunities now in the wizarding world for squibs, which will give us an advantage over muggles.”