Chapter 421 - Hogwarts Governing Board Ⅲ (1/2)
With a rather loud yawn, Filius Flitwick, double checks his appearance in the mirror, despite the early hour. It had been ten o'clock last night, and he'd been stuck at his desk grading essays for both Charms and Gobbledegook. Not that he didn't love to teach, but he had been feeling rather overworked as of late. He frankly didn't know he'd be able to handle the final workload in May preparing his Charm students for their O.W.L.'s and their N.E.W.T.'s or his Gobbledegook students for the final exam.
However, to his shock, a house elf had popped into his office. It was a note from Professor Dumbledore requesting that every single Hogwarts staff member including the caretaker and groundskeeper be present tomorrow morning in the staff room at exactly six o'clock. It was ridiculously early, but not unheard of as Professor Dumbledore is a rather cheery, early morning riser to the hatred of more than one Hogwarts staff member.
Filius lets out a rather loud sigh, before smoothing down his dark hair and adjusting his crisp robes. Ensuring that his wand is in his sleeve holder, he makes his way out of his quarters and down to the staffroom. He was still early as there were only a few staff members already present nursing some hot tea and coffee to keep wide awake. He quickly greets Minerva, Silvanus, Poppy, Rolonda, and the rather large figure of Rubeus.
They all mutter various forms of good morning as Rolanda Hooch's yellow like eyes narrow as she says, ”Well, what do you all suppose what strange manner of bee is buzzing around in Albus's bonnet this morning?”
Filius shrugs, while Rubeus Hagrid, the ever starch supporter of the Headmaster, says, ”Well, I reckon, it can't be bad.”
”My point exactly!” Silvanus Kettleburn exclaimed flashing them all a wide grin.
The matron of Hogwarts, Poppy Pomfrey merely narrows her eyes and dangerously mutters, ”It better be important. I have some very ill children that are in need of my attention, and I shan't have none of them wondering off early!” The other five staff members all shiver at the rather determined tone heard in the matron's voice.
Minerva tactfully coughs and changes the subject. ”Be that may very well the case, how are preparations for the O.W.L.'s and N.E.W.T.'s going? I hate to say this, but I fear for some of my students are still denser than a rock even after all these years.”
Silvanus chuckles and says, ”That only must be you, Minerva. My lads and lasses always seem quite excited to take the exams.”
”That's because they get to them outdoors, you cheat,” Minerva grumbled under her breath, before taking a sip of her tea causing her engagement ring to glint in the candlelight.
The other staff members chortle at her words, while Filius interrupts by saying, ”Well, I'm more or less in the same spot as you, Minerva. Though I must admit, I am much more fatigued this year. I can only conclude that it is because of Gobbledgook.”