Chapter 419 - Hogwarts Governing Board (1/2)

A Bend in Time EsliEsma 33540K 2022-07-25

With April's spring showers and increasingly warm days the entire month flew by rather almost too quickly. It was late in April when a summon is sent from the Hogwarts Governing Board to the Headmaster of Hogwarts requesting his immediate presence that same evening at precisely nine o'clock. It came quite as a bit of a surprise to Albus Dumbledore, but then again it should not have. Truthfully, he was surprised that it had not come sooner given just who was the new chairman of the Hogwarts Governing Board, Lucius Malfoy.

With such thoughts in mind, the long silvery haired figure with an equally long beard tucked into his belt, Albus floo'd directly to the Hogwarts Governing Board's building. Albus pensively furrowed his brow, while his normally sparkling blue eyes are rather grave behind his half-moon spectacles. He does not even realize that his long, crooked nose is even a bit scrunched up due to his inner thoughts.

It was not that Albus particularly disliked his former student, but rather he did not trust the Slytherin. Lucius Malfoy though not outright cruel is most certainly a cold and calculating pureblood. And whatever Malfoy wanted would surely force Albus to either agree or disagree for a certain price. A price that Albus himself may not be willing to pay but be forced to bend his head to the will of the governing board.

His buckled boots can be heard echoing through the halls of the building as Albus's more solemn dark blue robes rustle behind him. Albus takes a moment to compose his thoughts, before pausing before the doors of the deliberation chamber causing the doors to open without even a touch. He easily passes through, before the doors slam loudly shut behind him.

Albus carefully studies the twelve seated figures before him in a semi-circle. At the center is an icy, pale, long blond-haired wizard, Lucius Malfoy. The proud wizard nods his head at Albus, who studies the rest of the already council especially the four new figures all together seated at the end of the left side of the semi-circle. The farthest right side begins with the most veteran board member and continues in that order except for the Chairman, who sits directly in the middle.

The chairman, Lucius Malfoy carefully studies the Hogwarts Headmaster. Despite the solemn occasion, Professor Albus Dumbledore's eyes still hold a bit of childlike energy in them. It is a most unseemly sight given the Professor's age!

Still even Lucius had to admit, the Headmaster did in fact require to be possession in such vitality in order to direct Hogwarts. Otherwise, he'd have clearly been overrun by the mob of students, that or driven mad. Although the last part of that statement would often be said as, Albus Dumbledore undeniably brilliant, wholly eccentric, but just a tad bit mad.

Seeing the other board members peeking at him, Lucius subtly ensures that his slick blond hair is perfectly groomed with nary a hair out of place. Satisfied that his appearance is impeccable, Lucius says, ”Welcome Professor Dumbledore. Our deepest apologies that the governing board has not had sufficient time to amply meet with you. We have been preoccupied with selecting four new members to join the board. Please allow me to introduce them starting from the far left.”

”Miss Francesca De Leon.”

A rather beautiful witch of Spanish descendant with bewitching, lively eyes. Miss De Leon flashes Albus a charming, but warm smile. The former Gryffindor still clearly remembered her old Headmaster.

”Garrick Arnold.”

A rather haughty wizard with expensive couture. Mr. Arnold barely stopped himself from sneering at Albus Dumbledore. He had attended Durmstrang and is irked by the fact that his fellow likeminded wizard, Gillert Grindelwald, had been halted by such a muggle loving wizard.

”Frederick Livingstone.”

The wizard is an elderly man with bushy untrimmed brows, a square face, and puffy, wild hair that frazzled in all directions. Mr. Livingstone seems to be rather intrigued by the presence of Albus Dumbledore as he intently studied him. He'd too had studied at Durmstrang, but unlike Garrick Arnold, he did not share in Arnold's mindset.

”And last but not least, Izuki Sato.”