Chapter 381 - Yule Ball (1/2)

A Bend in Time EsliEsma 38950K 2022-07-25

The snow was falling thickly upon the castle and its grounds now. The pale blue Beauxbaton's carriage looked like a large, chilly frosted pumpkin next to the iced gingerbread house that was Hagrid's cabin. On that note, an incredible number of girls had asked Hagrid to be their date was just mind-blowing. Hagrid only too happily declined their invitation as he'd been invited by Madame Maxime.

And yes, Rowan had helped Hagrid select his Yule outfit. It was guaranteed to have Hagrid be ravished by Madame Maxime. Or else, Madame Maxime must have a really weird taste in men.

Christmas morning, Rowan awoke to Tiffany squealing in delight. Opening her bed curtains, she glanced down to find a pile of presents next to her bed. With glee, Rowan put on her fluffy robe and began to open the first present. It was from her grandfather and it was a rare book that she had been searching for regarding squibs.

The next gift was a small jewelry box from Aunt Georgine. With care, Rowan opened the box to find a glittering silver necklace encrusted with opals and a pair of dangling matting earnings. The note inside reading, ”They'll be sure to contrast nicely with your silver gown.”

Faintly smiling at the considerate gift, Rowan put the box away and opened the small presents from her friends. It was mostly books and sweets that she liked. Nothing unusual there.

Though Petunia did send her the anniversary edition of Monopoly 1974. It was lovely and she'd most likely invite Andrew to play with her. Personally, she'd have preferred a genetics' volume but as DNA was still in its early stages and the Human Genome Project wouldn't even start until 1990, there was not much else she could do.

In return, Rowan had gifted Petunia with a perfume bottle charmed to change scents depending on the time of day. For example, a softer scent for morning and stronger scent for evening outings. Needless to say, Petunia adored the gift and sent her a very happy thank you letter back.

With a pause, Rowan spotted one last gift in bright wrapping paper. With a frown, she slowly opened the gift to find a silver bracelet with a glowing round sphere dangling from it. Glancing around she finally spotted the note that read,

”To my dear apprentice,

The bracelet is enchanted to allow underwater vision, maintain perfect body temperature, and has enough air for three hours each day. Use it wisely.

– Your Apprenticeship Master, Albus Dumbledore.”

No doubt, Severus had gotten something similar more likely in the form of an armlet or arm band. Putting the thoughtful gift aside, Rowan quietly snickers to herself. If that wasn't a clue or blatant cheating from Albus Dumbledore, then she didn't know what was.

Striding out of bed, Rowan says, ”Well, shall we go up for breakfast now? We do have all day to get ready.” The girls nodded as they went downstairs in their pajamas, but still at least brushed the hair before they left. They weren't the only ones as the majority of the school had come to the same conclusion.

Breakfast and lunch were rather light as tonight would be a large feast. After lunch, Barrett Boone pulled her aside in the Great Hall to the squeal of Tiffany and the stares of others. And especially away from the smoldering dark glares from Severus that if looks could kill, Barrett Boone would have already been burned to a crisp.

Barrett Boone and Rowan hadn't talked nor really interacted since that day if one disregarded their classroom participation in Ancient Studies. The ashy brown-haired young man with silver eyes looked much better since the last time they had been alone. A bit of his usual lazy smile was starting to come back, but there was still a tint of sadness to him. But at least the light spray of freckles across his nose tended to hide his feelings making him seem that much more cheerful than he really was.

”So, shall we meet half an hour before seven at the entrance?” Barrett asked as they received a lot of strange glances from those entering and leaving the Great Hall.

”Yes, that will be fine,” Rowan said as she carefully eyed him. ”You only have to stick around for dinner and the first waltz. I don't mind if you decide to wander off afterward. I know that the invitation was made in a state of great emotional duress.”

Barrett looks shocked at the offer as a slow grin appears on his face causing Rowan's heart to erratically beat for a moment there. She quickly reminded herself of his personal sexual preferences causing the feeling to swiftly go away.