Chapter 323 - The Portkey (1/2)
It was bright and early in the second week of August when the Prince's trotted across the dark green lawns. Yawning Rowan and Severus carried their travel bags, while Aunt Georgine carried her own and Reginald's. Reginald, on the other hand, carried a duffel bag that would expand into a white tent with dozens of well-furnished rooms inside. When the Prince's were forced to camp, they camped in style.
It was chilly and the moon was still out. Only a dull, greenish tinge along the horizon suggested that daybreak was drawing closer. Still sleepy, Severus almost trips except that Rowan easily catches him and pulls him up. ”Thanks,” Severus rather muffled said as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.
Glancing about Severus asks, ”So, how does everyone get to the Quidditch cup without Muggles noticing?”
Rowan rolls her eyes as Aunt Georgine drily says, ”Some by foot other's by apparition points, portkey's, or other muggle means.”
”A portkey?” Severus said in bewilderment.
”An object that is used to transport wizards from one specific destination to another at a certain time,” Reginald answered before his sister snarked something back.
”Is that why we're walking there?” Severus asked.
”Only to the portkey point,” Georgine rolled her eyes in exasperation.
Severus mercifully falls silent as they make their way to the edge of Norton. Glancing at his watch, Reginald leads them to a nearby hill they walk across thick tuffets of grass. Standing on the hill, Reginald says, ”It looks like we're right on time. The portkey should trigger in five minutes. Let's make quick work of finding the portkey, shall we?”
Rowan and Georgine instantly move away as does Reginald. Severus blinks and finally says, ”So, what exactly are we looking for?”
”Trash, Sev,” Rowan grumbled. ”Anything that a normal person wouldn't want to touch.”
”Oh,” Severus said not wanting to argue that were plenty of objects normal people didn't want to touch. They quickly searched as their few remaining minutes quickly trickled by.
”Aha, got it!” Georgine cried out as she held a large broken clock.
”Quickly children, gather around!” Reginald said as they all reached to touch the portkey. Before Severus can ask how long it will take for the portkey to start, they were hooked forward. Suddenly their feet left the ground as they were speeding forward a howl in the wind and swirling color. Magnetically onward they went until their feet slammed into the ground.
Severus was a bit wobbly that Rowan reached out to steady him as the portkey hit the ground at their feet. Georgine merely patted her hair, while Reginald smoothed out his clothes. A voice says, ”Seven past five from Norton Hill.”
Rowan and Severus glanced around to find that they were in a deserted stretch of the misty moor. In front of them was a pair of tired grumpy-looking wizard and witch, the wizard was holding a large gold watch to tell the time. While the witch held a thick roll of parchment and a quill. The two of them were dressed like hippies including the flower bands in their hair. And Rowan wasn't about to correct them as she choked back the urge to laugh.
”Morning to you, sir and madam,” Reginald politely said as the two tired ministry employees flashed them weak smiles.
”And good morning to you too, sir,” said the witch. ”The Prince's correct?”
”Indeed madam,” Reginald solemnly answered.