Chapter 311 - C.S.A.E. Results (1/2)
Late Friday evening within the Ministry of Magic, and inside a classroom are four seated figures, two witches and two wizards. At present, the four proctors for the examination of Severus and Rowan Prince finish grading the examinee's practical exams. With a loud sigh, Master Strauss puts down his quill and turns his tanned head from side to side. The tanned wizard with a scholarly heir mutters, ”Well, I'm glad that is over and done with.”
The solemn figure of Master Linnaeus snorts in disdain. ”I have just tested one of the finest minds of this century, and I am thrilled at having witnessed it,” Master Linnaeus proudly declared. ”I have no doubt that the young Severus Prince will become one of the foremost potion masters' of Great Britain but will become one of the youngest potions masters in history as well.”
”That is without a doubt an undisputed fact,” Master Strauss chuckled causing Master Linnaeus to merely send a scowl his way.
”Well, the sister isn't bad either,” interjected, the curly silver-haired, Madam Berk. ”Rowan Prince has quite the analytical mind, and though lacking in some areas, when in comparison to her brother, she is still a rather strong contender in other areas. Why even you, Master Linnaeus were entranced with her during her Herbology exam.”
Master Linnaeus has the grace to blush as he murmurs, ”She managed to tame a Snargaluff, which I could have sworn was impossible.”
”My point exactly,” Madam Berk said with a great deal of satisfaction. ”Talent isn't always linear nor apparent.”
”True,” Master Strauss said in agreement. ”And without a doubt, their scores prove that the two of them are quite intelligent. What do you think, Madam Marchbanks? You've been rather quiet on the subject.”
The old witch by wizarding standards glances up with still bright, and rather sharp eyes. Madam Marchbanks leans back in her chair and thoughtfully says, ”They are Prince's and as recent revelations have shown, they are indeed the descendants of the two most famous Slytherin's of all time, Salazar Slytherin himself, and Merlin Ambrosius.
Though infamous without a shadow of a doubt, Salazar Slytherin was a brilliant wizard and an equally brilliant Potion's Master. And as for Merlin Ambrosius, he is the most revered wizard of all time. Merlin is recorded as the most powerful wizard in our history and a fierce protector of muggles. Though a contradiction at times, the Prince family itself embodies the worst and best of their forefathers.” Though Madam Marchbanks tactfully did not mention the Prince family Percussor heritage.
Madam Marchbanks paused before continuing, ”Either way, great things are to be expected from Severus and Rowan Prince. And only with time can we know whether that will be good or bad.”
Master Strauss lips twitch into a smile. ”Maybe that is true, but from what I've observed, they are a good lad and lass. A trifle, cold, yes, but they're Slytherins. And although the Prince's tend to appear as cold fish on the outside, they really are rather warm on the inside.”
”Must you always be so optimistic, Master Strauss?” Master Linnaeus huffed.
Master Strauss chuckles in reply, ”I am a Hufflepuff, Master Linnaeus. It is in my nature to try to see the good in others, my cunning Slytherin friend.”
Master Linnaeus loudly sniffs in reply as Madam Berk teasingly says, ”Master Strauss must we bring houses into everything?”