Chapter 267 - Bramble’s Flight (1/2)
As exams drew progressively even closer the Slytherin 5th and 7th years went into hyper overdrive again. The rest of the other years wisely left them alone including Terry and Reglusus, who abandoned their cats, Alchemy and Bram to their fate of being reverently worshipped. At this point in time, even Professor Slughorn was mildly concerned that there was a growing cult among his 5th and 7th years. Especially after the last time, when he ventured into the common room to find groups of his students fawning over the two cats as though they were holy beings.
Beating a hasty retreat, Slughorn may or may not have had permission when he slipped a couple of calming draughts into the 5th and 7th years drinks that night and once every week after that until the end of the final exams.
Rowan was sound asleep when a loud meow in-ear caused her to jump awake. Rather startled she turned to glare at the innocent figure of Alchemy on her bed, who was carrying a scrap of parchment in his mouth. Taking the damp note from him, she softly hisses ”You're lucky, you're so darn cute or else I'd turn you into a cauldron.”
Alchemy purrs loudly as if to say, ”But we both know that I'm much too cute for that.”
With a sigh, Rowan grabs her wand from under her pillow and whispers, ”Lumos!” Squinting her still sleepy eyes she reads,
”Rowan meet me in the common room!
Prongs aka James.
P.s. Pretty cool nickname, huh! Sirius is Padfoot. Peter is Wormtail. Lupin is Moony. We wanted to name Severus, Spider, but he said he was a bloody flying horse! So, he's Bramble now. Which we think fits him perfectly, since he's dark and prickly all about!
P.s.s. As it turns out, I can sneak into the Slytherin common room! Just not into the girl's dorms. I wonder why that is? Must be all the girl's dorms, I guess.”
Rowan lets out a snort, before muttering a handy little spell that turns disintegrates letters into tiny little pieces. Scrambling out of bed in her pajamas, she grabs her warm robe and shoes. ”You better keep my bed warm,' she says to the large fluffy cat on her bed.
Alchemy flicks his tail at her as if to say, ”Naturally.”
Giving Alchemy one last scratch behind the ears, Rowan stealthily sneaks out and creep's downstairs. Glancing about into the shadowy darkness of the common room with the only flickering light from the fireplace. ”James?”
Not hearing an answer, Rowan sighs and says, ”Prongs?”
”Over here,” James cheerfully said as he revealed one of his hands. Pulling Rowan underneath, the cloak with him, he says, ”Everyone else is already waiting for us outside.”
”This better be good,” Rowan grumbled under her breath as she stuck close to James. ”We've got exams shortly upcoming and I would like to spend my time studying for them and not in detention.”
”Relax, we'll be just fine,” James said as they made their way outside towards the edge of the lake. Under the moonlight squid, tentacles can be seen at the surface as the Squid in the lake enjoys the lovely waning moonlit sky. There be a full moon in a week or so's time.