Chapter 248 - Crossdressers Ⅱ (1/2)

A Bend in Time EsliEsma 32970K 2022-07-25

Prefect Pizzaro and Prefect Traver's had been innocently chatting when a curly auburn-haired, blue-eyed, third-year Slytherin hurriedly ran over to them. The two Slytherin Prefect's frowned in unison at the Slytherin third-year boy. It wasn't proper for a Slytherin to be running about like a wild, unruly Gryffindor.

Before either Prefect can chide the Slytherin third year, Felton Graham gasped, ”GREAT HALL! BIG PROBLEM! HURRY!”

Seeing that the situation seemed to be rather dire that a Slytherin actually ran to get them, the two prefects only glanced at each other for a mere second in silent communication, before they hiked up their robes, and ran off in two separate directions. Prefect Travers running for Professor Slughorn, and Prefect Pizzaro running towards the Great Hall. It there was truly a problem, they would need their head of house to intervene and resolve the situation.

The moment Prefect Pizzaro rounded the last corridor, she knew something was wrong as she saw a large crowd of students gathered at the entrance of the Great Hall. ”Move aside,” Prefect Pizzaro only growled once as the students hastily moved out of the way and allowed her to pass through.

Suddenly, Prefect Pizzaro sees several boys in the corner of the Great Hall vomiting rather loudly. The smell caused Prefect Pizzaro to feel a trace of nausea, but she switches to breathing through her mouth rather than her nose. Ignoring those fleeing from the nauseating scene of the vomit-inducing boys in the corner of the Great Hall, she marches straight towards the cause of the problem.

There laying rather beautiful on the floor are two gorgeous, somewhat ruffled girls with pink, swollen kissed lips. Prefect Pizzaro is about to ask, who exactly the girls are, when she freezes. Her mouth actually flops open as she recognizes the two Slytherin third year boys, Damien Mulciber and Evan Avery. She is just stunned for a minute or so before she can recover her wits about her.

Pulling herself to full height, Prefect Pizzaro in a steely voice roars, ”Everyone out this minute or detention with Filch for all!” Instantly there is a loud scrambling of footsteps as the students rush away whispering loudly to each other. There was an absolutely zero probability that the scandalous situation wouldn't reach the other Professor's ears and much less the rest of the entire student body within the next ten minutes.

The foolish boys still vomiting in the corner of the Great Hall, Prefect Pizzaro vanishes their vomit away with her wand. Glaring at the wide array of male students ranging from a third-year and up, Prefect Pizzaro says, ”Now off to the infirmary all of you! Consider yourself lucky, I don't take house points for your obvious stupidity.” Embarrassed and ill-looking the crowd of boys stagger out together out of the Great Hall towards the infirmary.

Turning back towards the two boys on the floor, Prefect Pizzaro icily says, ”Well? I am waiting to hear an explanation.”

Both boys move to speak when several footsteps can be heard as Professor McGonagall bursts in with Professor Slughorn at her heels followed by Prefect Travers. Both Professors turn pale, while Professor Slughorn quickly turns lobster-red with fury and embarrassment. Professor Slughorn sputters unable to speak as Professor McGonagall arches her brow in question. ”Well, Prefect Pizzaro, is there an explanation?”

”The two wretches have yet to speak up,” Prefect Pizzaro coldly answered. ”But from what I can piece together the two deviants here not only cross-dressed but asked to be kissed by the sign there lying at their feet. More than a dozen boys kissed both of them and were ill upon learning exactly who it was they kissed.”

Taking a breath, Prefect Pizzaro sneers, ”The gossipmongers in the crowd have already left with their scandalous tale which no doubt will be in the ears of every single inhabitant of Hogwarts within the next ten minutes, if not already.”

Professor McGonagall harshly says, ”I am most disappointed in you, both. Hurry and rise to your feet, Mr. Mulciber and Mr. Avery. Both of you are to head to the Headmaster's office with Professor Slughorn.”

The two pale, flushed boys scramble to their feet now that the Stunning Spell had worn off. And just as they are about to speak up, Professor Slughorn narrows his gooseberry colored eyes at them in such a manner that they remain utterly silent. ”Mulciber and Avery, there are no excuses for your actions this day,” Professor Slughorn hissed in embarrassment that two such pureblood Slytherins would cause him such troubles.