Chapter 197 - Dissection (1/2)

A Bend in Time EsliEsma 29730K 2022-07-25

For the rest of the week, the older years actually took pity upon their 3rd-year house members. In Slytherin, the older years took to leaving candy out for the third year students. It was simply their way of saying, ”WE UNDERSTAND THE HORROR and CONTRAULATIONS ON YOUR SURVIVIAL!”

Thankfully the next week was nowhere near as bad. The last weekend of the month found Rowan carefully transfiguring a pillow to look like herself, while making sure to leave the curtains closed around her bed, before slipping out to the bathroom.

Making sure she was alone, she instantly apparated into the hidden chamber found within the Chamber of Secrets. ”Lumos,” Rowan said as she held her wand up high to see that the door had long since closed. Nodding in satisfaction, she reached into her pocket to tie a bandana over her nose and half of her face.

Reaching into the pouch, Rowan pulls out a prepared high beam flashlight and clicks it on instantly brightening up the room. The tip of the light at the edge of her wand goes out as she heads over to the bookcase to cast a disintegration spell. A cloud of dust later there is nothing left as she does the same thing with the once viable laboratory. Nodding her head at the sight, she murmurs a cleaning spell as the dust vanished leaving only a dusty, murky smell behind.

Finished, Rowan reaches back into her pocket and pulls out shrunken furniture that she had Dawn shrink for her back at the manor from the furniture kept in the cellar. Carefully placing everything, where she wants it to be, she says, ”Engorgio,” as everything rapidly swells up back to its full size. Rather pleased at this point, she walks over to the laboratory tables and begins to take out the non-shrunken instruments. She hadn't wanted to risk breaking or losing any of them and as such they remained their regular size.

Having made sure everything was in order, Rowan reached inside for an emerald muffler, before carefully reaching for gloves and the rest of the needed supplies. Having put on a full protection suit and goggles she looked a bit like a character from a horror movie. Her next step was to make sure that all the flashlights were in place, before transfiguring the muffler back to its original shape and releasing the shrinking charm.

The emerald Basilisk all but filled most of the hidden chamber as Rowan let out a sigh at seeing its huge size. ”Well at least, it's dead now,” Rowan said with some relief. Reaching for a large enchanted scalpel on one of the laboratory tables, she makes sure her gloves are in place, before walking over to the head.

Raising the head with a levitation charm, Rowan manages to get the giant maws open, before peeking at the pink flesh inside. Spotting the large, liquid filled venom sacks, she quickly returns the scalpel away. ”I won't be able to remove the venom sacks without them bursting,” Rowan mumbled to herself as she reached into her pouch for several large containers designed to hold vats of poisonous potions or in this case basilisk venom.

Carefully placing the shrunken containers next to the gaping maws, Rowan releases the shrinking charms as they swell up into giant sized vats almost as tall and wide as her. Holding her wand, she takes a deep breath and says, ”Incisus!” As a dark pulsing sparkling crimson light can be seen at the tip of her wand. Ironically, she'd learned the spell from the wizard physiology textbook she was presently reading.

With care Rowan moved her wand as the crimson spark began to cut in and around the pink flesh of the Basilisk's gums. The venom sack trembles as it begins to come loose. Quickly switching over to a levitation spell, she catches the venom sack mid-air and gently levitates it over into one of the vats. Letting out of a sigh of relief she does the same thing to the rest of the venom sacks and the basilisk fangs.

Taking a break, Rowan carefully removes her gloves before removing her goggles and mask. Walking over to the laboratory table, she reaches for clean handkerchief and proceeds to wipe the damp sweat off her brows. Pausing to take a swig of cold water from a water bottle, she lets out a sigh, before returning to her arduous work.

The rest of the night was spent with her methodically peeling back the entire basilisk skin to be used for future use. After that, exhausted Rowan cast a preservation spell to return the following night. And so, the following night, she had to carefully split the entire giant snake open to in order to remove all of the vital organs. Interestingly enough Newt Scamander was wrong, Basilisk's do have horns. It's next to their testicles apparently.