Chapter 195 - The Birds and the Bees Ⅱ (1/2)
In simple layman terms, Madam Pomfrey begins to explain how a girl would go about becoming pregnant with Slot A pushing into slot B. And how if a girl was properly prepared the stretching or tearing of the Hymen would be minuscule not very painful. Otherwise if done wrong, it would be rather painful with bleeding.
After that rather disturbing explanation, all the girl's faces were somehow impossibly bright red with mortification as they all unanimously wished the ground could swallow them whole. The only small consolation to the entire humiliating situation is that the boys had it worse, they were stuck with Professor Slughorn for their enlightenment towards manhood.
Madam Pomfrey clears her throat loudly at seeing the embarrassed gazes stuck to the stone floor of the classroom. ”Now the most important lesson to remember is how to take the necessary measures in order not to become pregnant. There are potions, but most are for abortions or sterilization if a woman no longer wishes to bear children. And therefore, it cannot be used as a daily anti-conception method without serious side-effects.”
Madam Pomfrey solemnly eyes despite their obvious discomfort. ”What can be used daily without any side effects is an anti-conception spell, which must be cast each time one is intimate. I know that several of you will protest and argue that it is entirely the male's duty and responsibly to do so, but it is not the male who will end up pregnant for nine months!”
The girls blink at the sternness in Madam Pomfrey's gaze, before she firmly says, ”Now I want you all to carefully watch me show you the movements and cast the spell. This is the one spell that I want all of you to practice repeatedly until I'm certain all of you, young ladies have memorized.”
With clear reluctantly the girls watch Madam Pomfrey slowly show them the wand work for the spell, thrice. ”Nullus Praegnatio!” Madam Pomfrey cried out as a faint mist like glow emerges from the wand and falls onto the caster.
”REMEMBER that this spell must be uttered PRIOR to being intimate and not AFTER,” Madam Pomfrey determinedly emphasized. ”Now go on, I want to see everyone try until I am satisfied.”
It felt like it was the longest practice ever as every single girl practiced the spell over and over again. It was rather astonishing that even the thickest among them had mastered the spell by the fourth try. It would seem that mortification was quite the infective when mastering this particular spell. But more importantly, it was a spell that none of the girls would ever forget even if they wanted too.
Madam Pomfrey finally nods in satisfaction and says, ”Excellent work. Now, it was not my intention to frighten all of you. There are indeed charming items to be worn to prevent conception if one is regularly intimate with a partner to ensure that there is no conception. However, said items tend to be rather costly and as such this spell tends to be far more practical to use.”
Madam Pomfrey paused and glanced at the girls, who were all staring at the floor like Rowan past Madam Pomfrey and at the wall. ”Now then are there any questions?” Madam Pomfrey solemnly asked.
None of the girls raise their hands, but Prefect Pizarro does. ”Yes, Miss Pizarro?” Madam Pomfrey said as a unanimous groan can be heard in the room as Prefect Pizarro snorts at the third-year girl's reaction.
”I know that the girls are too embarrassed to ask at present, but much like the female Prefect at my own lesson, I shall ask the question on their behalf,” Prefect Pizarro said with some satisfaction. What if there are issues with monthly cycles? Or strange symptoms in their loins such as itching or a painful skin sore?”
”Excellent question, Prefect Pizarro!” Madam Pomfrey exclaimed as the girls sunk into their seat vowing to never step foot into this classroom again!
”Whatever the situation, please come to me,” Madam Pomfrey pointedly said. ”We can take care of the problem and ensure that all of the young ladies remain healthy and safe.”
All the girls are unable to stifle a groan as Prefect Pizzaro raises her hand again and says, ”And what about maintaining physical cleanliness not including using deodorant and taking care of acne?”
Madam Pomfrey beams as the girls look like they are about to cry. ”It's important to have a clean body and not to go to many days without an actual shower or bath. Cleaning charms can only do so much.”
”As for using a deodorant or maintain one's face clear, I do not believe I need to cover those grounds as much as I am sure friends or female relatives have already handed over said intended products,” Madam Pomfrey plainly stated. ”However, if there is ever a time said products are out, the infirmary does have a few simple such products.”
Seeing that the girls are ready to melt and disappear into the stone floor, Madam Pomfrey finally says, ”Young ladies, we are done, and you are all dismissed.” Instantly the girls scramble to their feet and flee as far away as they can from the matron of the infirmary.