Chapter 154 - Out all night! (1/2)
Crossing the lawn, Rowan slipped through the front entrance to find a group of professors glaring straight at her. ”I went for an early morning walk,” Rowan hastily said. For it was no lie, she'd gone for a very long walk. All night long until morning.
”Miss Prince, I am most disappointed in you,” Professor Slughorn said as he stared down at his house member. ”Your dormmates reported you missing late last night, and we have been scouring the entire school for you all night long! What do you have to say for yourself, young lady?!
Not able to think of a feasible excuse, Rowan sighs and says, ”I'm sure detention and loss of points are in order.”
”You are most certainly right, Miss Prince!” Professor Slughorn sputtered. ”Three weeks' worth of detention!” Professor Slughorn quickly noticed the glares from his associates and hastily adds, ”And twenty points from Slytherin!”
”Yes, sir,” Rowan tiredly said as she headed back to the Slytherin quarters. Yawning barely able to keep her eyes open, she managed to make it into the common room, where five pairs of eyes were glowering at her.
”Good morning,” Rowan yawned again unable to help herself as her exhaustion finally seemed to have hit her.
”Where were you?!” Severus growled as the girls glared in the background at Rowan in stern emphasis.
”I was out walking,” Rowan stretched as if that solved everything.
”All night long!” Bethanie shouted from behind Severus.
”It was a long walk,” Rowan grumbled back as she firmly added, ”Well, I'm going to bed.” Ignoring their furious stares, Rowan headed up the stairs to final go to sleep she was utterly exhausted. And she had more than earned a good night's sleep!
Gaping the five of them stare at the retreating back of Rowan up the stairs. ”Well, I never!” Bethanie fumed as she crossed her arms over her chest.
”Did she just ignore us?” Terry said with incredulity in his eyes.
”Could she have been out with Potter and them?” Tiffany suddenly asked. ”I mean she is friends with them.”
Silvia shook her head and said, ”Bethanie had Slughorn go and look for her there first. But apparently according to Professor McGonagall, they were all safely in bed.”
”Then where could she have gone?” Severus protested throwing his arms up in frustration.
”For a walk apparently,” Terry drily concluded as he picked up a fallen leaf that had trailed off Rowan's clothes.
”All night long?” Severus growled in disbelief.
”Apparently,” Terry murmured as he twirls the leaf between his fingertips.
”Could have it been with a boy?” Tiffany suspiciously said as the rest of them made faces at the mere suggestion.
”Who was out with a boy?” A familiar voice asked from behind them.
”Rowan,” Tiffany instantly answered as the figure of Wilkes stiffened before them.
”She was out all night?” Wilkes repeated himself.
”Yes, but we don't know with who or why!” Tiffany firmly said. ”I mean, she wasn't out with the troublesome four Gryffindor's. And those are the only real male friends Rowan has outside of our own house. I mean, if it's not them, who else could it be?”