Chapter 149 - Selecting Courses (1/2)

A Bend in Time EsliEsma 31520K 2022-07-25

Not long after, March arrived, and with-it spring began to return. But best of all the Easter holidays were once more upon them as the final break until summer was upon them. The 5th years and 7th years threw themselves into resting and having some fun as this would be the last bit of fun they'd have until exams were over.

The second year's, on the other hand, are given something new to think about. The time had come to choose their subjects for the third year. Sitting together in the common room, Terry glanced at the row of subjects. ”Well, all I know is that I'm taking the easiest courses, Divination, and Care of Magical Creatures. There's no way, I can handle any of the other subjects.”

”Yes, well, I think we're supposed to give them a bit more thought,” Rowan grumbled. ”This could affect our entire future.”

Severus sighed and said, ”Well, I'll be taken Divination and Care of Magical Creatures.”

Rowan paused and suspiciously glanced up from her sheet. ”Lily's taken both isn't she?”

Severus flushes and sputters in vexation, ”No! Only Care of Magical Creatures!”

”Fine,” Rowan said, before finally deciding on her two subjects and checking the boxes.

Trying to peer over her shoulders, Terry asked, ”So what'd you decide on in the end?”

”Arithmancy and Ancient Runes,” Rowan replied as Terry winced at the subjects. However, she knew that both of these subjects would suit her the best. She was quite good at mathematics and arithmancy was, in essence, the study of numbers. While ancient runes would come in handy in translation, and for theoretical spells and magic.

Glancing over at the table next to them, Rowan asked, ”Have the three of you decided yet?”

”Mm,” Tiffany nodded. ”Care of Magical Creatures and Arithmancy.”

Everyone blinked rather startled at that as Tiffany puffed out her cheeks in protest. ”I may not look it, but my best subject while under tutors was arithmetic's!”

”What about the two of you?” Rowan asked.

Silvia sighed, ”I'll be taking Care of Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies.”

”Muggle Studies?” Everyone said in confusion.

”I think I'd like to go into the Ministry of Magic after I graduate,” Silvia honestly said. ”To do that I'll have to head off to London each day. But more importantly, I'll be around muggles more often. I have to know how to properly blend in.”

”That was actually well thought out,” Rowan said in approval. ”What about you, Bethanie?”

”Care of Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies as well,” Bethanie promptly said to the bewilderment of all of them.

”Are you sure about the Muggle Studies?” Silvia quietly asked with some concern in her eyes.

”We live in a day in age, where we will have to encounter Muggles at some point,” Bethanie frankly stated. ”I'd for one would like to not be embarrassed in the future, and be properly informed. I know that muggles know longer carry pitchforks or torches. In their stead, I'd like to know exactly what.”

Rowan and Severus are a bit startled, but those having solely grown up in pure-blood households nodded their heads in utter understanding. After all, they'd had to deal with pure blood superiority since birth. And were relatively little informed on the actual state of the muggle world. It wouldn't be a bad thing to become properly informed.

Quickly changing the subject, they all began to play wizarding chess against each other with the winner playing the other winner. To their shock, the final two winners were Terry and Bethanie. But most shocking was the final upset where Bethanie trumped a flabbergasted Terry and won the match.

A frozen Terry had to be dragged away to dinner by Severus, who finally exasperated dumped an entire glassful of cold water down his back. Wet and sputtering only then Terry finally awoke from his stupor, but still, his pride was rather bruised. On the other hand, Bethanie was beaming the entire evening having finally trumped Terry at wizarding chess.

After dinner, Severus dragged Rowan over to ask Lily, what classes she'd finally decided on. Lily was talking to Willa and Mary out in the corridor and waved them over. ”What did you pick, Lily?” Severus urgently asked.