Chapter 147 - – Blue Rose (1/2)

A Bend in Time EsliEsma 37140K 2022-07-25

When Aberforth left to feed his goats, Rowan warily kept her wand on her lap. She didn't trust being left alone with the other rough-looking patrons now that Aberforth was gone. All in all, she was not very impressed with the services being provided. She most certainly would have left a bad review if she could have.

Having cast a cleaning charm on the mug, Rowan tentatively sipped at the steaming cider. To her surprise, the cider tasted rather good! Taking another sip, she enjoyed the rich taste as her impression of Aberforth went up just the tiniest bit. But only a tiny bit.

The pub door opening causes her to glance up at seeing a soaking figure enter. Removing his hood, the tall, round man with glasses and brown hair made his way forward. Pulling his cloak open pinned on his chest a blue rose could clearly be seen. The polyjuiced stranger made his way towards Rowan, before pointing at the seat before her.

Rowan gestured for him to have a seat as she whispered, Muffalito. It simply wouldn't do for any of the patrons to overheard any of their conversations. ”How have you been?”

The polyjuiced form of Alphard Black in a smooth, deeper voice says, ”As well as can be given my condition.” Reaching for his side, he subtly slides a brown envelope underneath the table to her. Rowan quickly grasps the envelope and slides it underneath her cloak for the time being settling between her elbow and chest.

”Rowan, I have to ask,” Alphard paused. ”Just what is so special about these five wizards?”

”Why?” Rowan said though narrowed eyes.

”A good friend of mine is dead because of that report,” Alphard gravely rumbled.

Rowan's eyes widen as she says, ”I'm sorry, Alphard. But even I don't know the answer to that question. All that I know is that there is something very wrong with one of them, but I don't know which one of them.”

”I thought as much,” Alphard tiredly murmured as he leaned back to rest against the chair. ”But I fear for you, child, more so than ever.”

Pausing Alphard closed his eyes to say, ”The friend of mine had this delivered to me before her death. She found something else, but she didn't write it down nor tell me as she never had a chance too. That evening she was going to tell me something, but I don't know what. All I know is that only was she killed, but right in the ministry too. It was an accident they said, but how does a magical creature pass through security without being caught? It was no accident; we both know that.”

”She must have been a very good friend.”

”She was.”

There is a bout of silence as Rowan says, ”There's something else isn't there?”


”Will you tell me?”

”I can't, not yet.”

Rowan accepts the answer and doesn't push Alphard for answers. Rising to her feet, she says, ”I best be gong now. I've already tarried long enough.”

”See you soon,” Alphard said as he opened his eyes to see Rowan nod at him once more, before leaving. He watched her vanish into the dripping rain as he began to loudly cough. Reaching for his handkerchief he was overcome with tremors as he could hear clearly hear the healers voice in his ears.

”I'm afraid that your illness has worsened as you seem to be under a great deal of stress.

”How much time do I have left?

”…...At best two years.”

”And at worst?”

”A year, no more.”

Wiping the blood of his mouth, Alphard moves to rise to only suddenly feel the earth move as he fell back as everything went black.

With a start, Alphard awoke to the crackling of the fire to find himself tucked into an armchair. Warily glancing around the room, he found an old bookshelf, some old furniture, a dusty old carpet, and a painting of a girl on the mantelpiece. There were no other photographs nor family portraits except that of a girl with chest-length golden hair neatly pulled back with bright blue eyes holding a book in her arms.

”Polyjuice is worthless if it wears off, Black,” a masculine voice guffawed from the doorway.

Alphard turns to stare at his unlikely savior the bartender of the Hogs Head and the unlikely owner as well. ”Thank you,” Alphard rasped as Aberforth pointed at him sip the steaming mug of tea on the small stand next to him. Nodding his thanks, Alphard tentatively takes a sip and sighs at feeling the honey in the tea smooth his sore throat.

”So, dying, are you?” Aberforth curtly stated. ”You look like death warmed over.”

”Yes,” Alphard for once did not try to deny it.

Aberforth grunted, ”How much time do you have?”

”A year, no more than two.”

”Mm, a dam shame.”

”I'll say.”

The room is silent as the fire crackles as Alphard sets down his mug and says, ”I know that Albus Dumbledore has asked you to join the Order of the Phoenix.”

Aberforth's face stiffens as his blue eyes dangerously glitter. ”Then you would know that I told him he could make use of the place, but I'd no more join his game lest I become another chess piece on his board.”

”You will,” Alphard sounded rather resolute.