Chapter 121 - – Notetaking (1/2)
It took about another two weeks for Rowan to finally adapt to her schedule and find time to continue her research. As of right now, she meditated for at least half of the night and woke early to fit in another hour, all the while creating her mindscape. During any free time in the day, she'd actually be studying goblin or the ghoul course. In the afternoons, she'd catch up on homework and in Professor Binns's class, she'd take a quick nap and finish any homework that she needed to.
Until the following summer, Rowan had postponed any actual soul research excluding her ghoul class. It wouldn't do well for a professor or Dumbledore to come across any of those rare and somewhat questionable volumes. No, she'd be returning to the library for an hour or so every other day to continue her previous research on the Slug Club.
The stern librarian Madam Pince greets Rowan in pleasure at seeing one of her favorite patrons. Rowan nods her head back and wanders over to her corner in the library. To her surprise, she actually finds Lupin, Sirius, and Pettigrew all taking notes in continuation of their own research. Feeling somewhat impressed, Rowan mutters, ”Well, this is a surprise,” before taking a seat in her usual chair.
Sirius glances up and blinks with surprise and joy, before faltering. ”I thought you were still a bit mad after all.”
”Hardly,” Rowan said with a roll of her eyes as she took her things out of her bag. ”I've just had a bit of a hard time adjusting with my two added school courses.”
Lupin winces and whispers, ”Lily is quite hoarse all the time as are all those taking the goblin course. Apparently, it's killer on the vocal cords.”
”Yes, it's quite difficult,” Rowan honestly said as she pulled out her thick research journal. ”But Severus seems to have quite the knack for it.”
”Weird,” Pettigrew muttered and then flushed at noticing he'd spoken his thoughts out loud.
Seeing Rowan's hard gaze, Pettigrew reluctantly adds, ”I mean, you're really good at academics Rowan.”
”I'm far from being perfect nor am I a genius,” Rowan bluntly stated. ”I merely have excellent memorization and study skills.” Seeing the amused faces of Sirius and Lupin, Pettigrew merely snorts and returns to his current notetaking.
Glancing about Rowan pauses to make sure Madame Pince isn't approaching as they had been a bit loud. In a much more hushed voice, Rowan says, ”And where's James?”
”Quidditch practice,” the three boys said in unison, before wincing as they listened for sharp booted footsteps. They'd been reprimanded one too many times by Madame Pince.
”Well hopefully that will keep James out of trouble,” Rowan thought to herself. ”But I doubt it, he and the rest of the marauders have got double the energy of that of a rabbit.” Failing to reply, the three boys took their cues from her and returned to their own notes.
Glancing at the names on the list, Rowan carefully removes the copied sheets filled with the numbers from the found notebook. Looking over at names and dates, she starts from the top and goes one by one trying to find some sort of common factor. By the end of two hours, she still hadn't made much progress, but she'd at least counterchecked twenty names on the list with no success.
”It looks like it's time for dinner,” Sirius happily said as she glanced over at Rowan. ”Coming?”
”Yes,” Rowan said as she gathered her things.
”Excellent!” Sirius beamed as he and the other two boys did the same.
Having gathered everything, the four of them set out of the library as Rowan nods her head at Madame Pince, who merely sniffs at their departing backs. Out of earshot in the corridor, Pettigrew huffs and says, ”Ug! We're never going to find anything useful.”
”Oh, are you still studying werewolves? Why the fascination?” Rowan innocently inquired despite already knowing the answer.
Sirius elbows Pettigrew in the back, who winces as Lupin steps in. ”It's a fascinating study, but there aren't many writers on the subject. So, we're trying to see if maybe we could write one in the future.”